Site preparation: Harvesting, partial harvest with residual maple overstory, full tree skidding (Aspen/birch stand, MN)
Site preparation: Harvesting, full tree skidding, random skidding, Quaking aspen stand (MN)
Conditions following harvest operation that are scheduled for prescribed burning
Prescribed burning by drip torches
Diversity of regeneration conditions in partial harvests – skid trail versus unharvested patch. Aspen/birch harvested and maples were left as residuals (MN)
Prescribed burning that burned too hot, damaging soil (OR) Not commonly used anymore
Site preparation: Removal of all organic matter, not done anymore because of environmental impact
Site preparation w/ cat and simple blade to reduce slash blade is lifted repeatedly to limit removal of organic matter
Site preparation: Blade w/ teeth to minimize removal of organic matter
Site preparation: Shearing to cut aspen stems
Site preparation: Rotating plow
Site preparation: Rotating plow
Site preparation using Braake, does not move slash, limited to planting spots
Site preparation: Braake
Site preparation: Limited to rows, to facilitate planting Note other vegetation requiring future release treatments
Site preparation: Experimental bucket mounding (not used operationally) to Create microtopograpy for northern white cedar regeneration (MI)
Site preparation: Bucket mounding 10-years later