Quiet Revolution
Maurice Duplessis Premier of Quebec Wanted to keep a distinct Quebec culture. Wanted Quebec to look like its own nation rather than just another Canadian province Adopted a new distinctively French flag
Emphasized Catholic Religion Church ran the Quebec schools (English provinces teach to grade 12 Quebec taught to grade 6) Encouraged smart students to study languages and philosophy. (English Canada is producing all the business people and scientists)
Result: La Grande Noirceur Church run hospitals Supported Farming Gave positions out of patronage to his cause. Catholic Church told the people how to vote. Did not support workers unions. English people ran most companies Result: La Grande Noirceur (The great darkness)
Silent Revolution Modernize Quebec Catholic Church loses power More School with more science and business degrees. Accept technology Get rid of Corruption KEEP THE IDEA OF A DISTINCT QUEBEC ALIVE!
Canadian or Canadien? Jean Lesage instills a culture of Anger
Why are people in Quebec angry? Why are so many people in the Government English? Why don’t Quebec people hold Cabinet positions? How come Quebec must accommodate English speakers but French is never spoken outside of Quebec. How come Francophones are expected to learn English in school but English speakers are not learning French.
This revolution is about to get less silent For more Info: pg 191-193 This revolution is about to get less silent