Unit 3: Graphing
1.3.1 Essential Question: How do we read graphs and the rectangular coordinate system? WICOR: Writing, Organization and Collaboration: Notetaking Inquiry & Reading: Textbook
With a partner, try to solve:
Assignment p. 183 #1-6 p. 184 #1-16 (even), 17, 19-25
3. 1. 2 Essential Question: How do we read bar and line graphs 3.1.2 Essential Question: How do we read bar and line graphs? How do we use ordered pairs? WICOR: Writing, Organization and Collaboration: Notetaking Inquiry & Reading: Textbook
With a partner, try to solve:
-3 -3
With a partner, try to solve:
Assignment p. 185 #26-32 (even), 34, 39-48
Assignment p. 187 #49-56 (even), 65, 66, 75-82 (even)
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