After the fall of Napoleon, a group of aristocratic leaders from various European countries met together to make decisions about how to govern Europe. E. Napp
The members of this group preferred the old power structure to democracy. Because of their efforts, conservatism enjoyed a temporary triumph over liberalism in Europe. E. Napp
Europe’s conservative leaders held a conference in Vienna, Austria, in September 1814, to discuss ways to prevent more revolutions. E. Napp
Representatives came from most European countries Representatives came from most European countries. Even France was allowed to send a delegate. E. Napp
However, Prince Klemens von Metternich, a brilliant Austrian diplomat, dominated the conference. E. Napp
Metternich’s ideas greatly influenced European affairs for 30 years by encouraging a balance of power among nations. E. Napp
Its leaders hoped that the rules they made would prevent any one nation from becoming militarily stronger than its neighbors. E. Napp
If successful, a balance of power would keep Europe at peace. E. Napp
The general agreement among the leading powers about the aims of the congress has been labeled the Concert of Europe. E. Napp
The leaders of the congress also supported the principle of legitimacy The leaders of the congress also supported the principle of legitimacy. They felt that absolute monarchy was the most stable form of government. E. Napp
The congress also opposed the efforts of Poles, Belgians, and other national groups to govern themselves. E. Napp
Metternich feared that nationalism would destroy his own and similar states and make Europe more vulnerable for war. E. Napp
But while the Congress of Vienna tried to restore the old ways and put an end to nationalism, change had come with the Revolution. E. Napp