December 18 May 2008 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: SG-VLC Closing Report for Jacksonville May 2008 Date Submitted: May 2008 Source: Eun Tae Won, Samsung Electronics Contact: Eun Tae Won, Samsung Electronics Voice: E-Mail: Re: Abstract: Closing Report for the SG-VLC Session in Jacksonville, FL. Purpose: To investigate forming an VLC PHY and MAC Study Group. Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Eun Tae Won, Samsung Electronics
SG-VLC 1st Meeting, Jacksonville, FL May 2008 SG-VLC 1st Meeting, Jacksonville, FL Closing Report 15 May, 2008 Eun Tae Won, Samsung Electronics
Purpose of VLC Study Group December 18 May 2008 Purpose of VLC Study Group Determine whether there is sufficient interest in creating a VLC Task Group. To develop a Visible Light Communication PAR and 5C. Eun Tae Won, Samsung Electronics
Objective of Meeting Call for presentation of VLC December 18 May 2008 Objective of Meeting Call for presentation of VLC Hearing for presentation of VLC issues Eun Tae Won, Samsung Electronics
1. Four 2-hour time slots was held - Attendance: May 2008 1. Four 2-hour time slots was held - Attendance: 19 attendees in Tuesday AM1,AM2 slot. 20 attendees in Wednesday AM1 slot. 25 attendees in Thursday AM2 slot. 3. Relative Documents: - Presentation 15-08-0256-01-0vlc-VLC appication : Indoor navigation and LBS using VLC 15-08-0257-00-0vlc-VLC Channel modeling simulation in indoor application 15-08-0260-00-0vlc-Modulation Issues of Visible Light Communication 15-08-0318-00-0vlc-VLC Use cases and technical requirements 15-08-0261-00-0vlc-Health impact of light flicker : implications for visible-light communications 15-08-0370-00-0vlc-VLC Regulatory Issues Eun Tae Won, Samsung Electronics
Meeting Achievements Agreed upon a general purpose December 18 May 2008 Meeting Achievements Agreed upon a general purpose Agreed upon a PAR and 5C schedule Eun Tae Won, Samsung Electronics
Plans for July Meeting Presentation of “Call for Application” response December 18 May 2008 Plans for July Meeting Presentation of “Call for Application” response Presentation of “Call for Technology” response Presentation of “Call for Regulatory” response Completion of draft version of PAR and 5Cs Eun Tae Won, Samsung Electronics