Navigating the Charter Renewal Process: Start to Finish Shaunda Cooper Education Consultant Office of Charter Schools
House Bill 334 Section 2 G.S.115C-218. The State Board of Education SHALL renew the charter upon the request of the chartering entity for subsequent period not to exceed 10 years unless one of the following applies: The charter school has not provided financially sound audits for the prior 3 years. The charter school’s student academic outcomes for the past three years have not been comparable to the academic outcomes of the local school administrative unit in which the charter is located. The charter school is not, at the time of the request for renewal of the charter, substantially in compliance with State law, federal law, the school’s own bylaws or the provisions set forth in its charter granted by the State Board of Education.
Renewal: A 2-Year Process OCS gathers information and discusses each individual school with other DPI Departments Charter Renewal Self-Study online Site visits are conducted for each school $500 Renewal Fee
Renewal: A 2-Year Process OCS gathers information and discusses each individual school with other DPI Departments Site visits continue CSAB makes renewal recommendation to SBE Final renewal decisions made by SBE
Year 1: DPI Compliance Reports Areas of compliance assessment: Financial Governance Accountability Federal Programs, broken down into: Title I Title II Exceptional Children Child Nutrition Compliance reports are emailed to schools in Year 1.
Year 1: DPI Compliance Reports Measure Descriptions: B3:The school is consistently implementing the mission and educational program in the approved charter application or approved charter application amendments. B4: The non-profit board operates in accordance with the approved charter application by-laws or approved charter application amended by-laws. B5: The non-profit board is compliant with Open Meetings Law. B6: The non-profit board is compliant with Public Records Requests.
Year 1: DPI Compliance Reports After compliance reports are emailed: Schools will be given the opportunity, through a Corrective Action Plan, to address any areas noted as having been in non-compliance. Communication about the plan will occur with the department that issued the non-compliance. Compliance data sheets will be sent again in year two of the process in which the school will be notified if there are any new areas of non- compliance or receive an update on a previous noncompliance issue.
Year 1: Renewal Self-Study Charter School Self Study: How does the school fulfill its mission as outlined in the charter agreement? How is the mission reflected in the school’s education program? All Renewal Self Study submissions have an assigned due date.
Year 1 or 2: Renewal Site Visits Site Visit Expectations: A team of 2 OCS staff members will conduct a renewal site visit. Each site visit will include the following: 1. Tour of the school 2. Meeting with 3 separate groups Parent Group (at least 5) Teacher Group (at least 5) School board (majority represented including president and treasurer)
Year 1 or 2: Renewal Site Visit Feedback Unofficial feedback will be provided following your school’s renewal site visit. This feedback is a collection of thoughts and statements of participants chosen to participate in the interview process. This information is in no way to be considered official or the opinion of the OCS staff or visiting consultants.
Year 2: CSAB Board Review Charter School Advisory Board Review Each school’s renewal information including compliance data sheets, and any other relevant information prior to the review. Schools will be given the opportunity to make a presentation, if the CSAB asks to meet with the school. The CSAB will have an opportunity to ask questions and make a recommendation to the SBE.
Year 2: CSAB Board Review
Year 2: Guidelines for Charter Renewal No Current Significant Compliance Issues Financially sound audits last 3 years Academic outcomes have been comparable to the local school administrative unit in the immediately preceding three years or have exceeded growth the last 3 years 10 Years No Significant Compliance Issues last 2 years Financially sound audits last 2 years Academic outcomes have been comparable to the local school administrative unit for the last 2 out of 3 years or has exceeded growth the last 2 out of 3 years 7 Years
Year 2: Guidelines for Charter Renewal No Significant Compliance Issues last 2 years Financially sound audit for the last 2 years Academic outcomes comparable to the local school administrative unit for the last 2 or 3 years or has met or exceeded growth the last 2 of 3 years. Not currently designated as low performing 5 Years May be with or without stipulations Compliance Issues more than 1 year creating a pattern Inability to provide sound audits for the immediately preceding year Academic outcomes have been comparable to the local school administrative unit at least 1 year or met growth 2 years out of the immediately preceding 3 years 3 Years
Year 2: Guidelines for Charter Renewal Current and persistent pattern of compliance issues Financially unsound audits last 2 years of the immediately preceding 3 years Academic outcomes have not been comparable to the local school administrative unit in any of the immediately preceding 3 years and the school has not met growth in the last 2 years Recurring low-performance grade of D or F and a growth score of “met expected growth” or “not met expected growth” for the immediately preceding 3 years Non-Renewal or Assumption
Year 2: Board of Education Review The CSAB recommendations will be forwarded to the SBE by January of the renewing year. SBE will make final decisions prior to your renewal expiring. This decision is usually made by February of the renewing year, but may vary.
Tips for Renewal Success Keep watch on your email. Staying informed is very important. Keep calm and ask questions. If you call the office and you cannot reach me, send an email. Submit all required materials and artifacts to the framework on time. (why is this important? It can mean the difference between you being reported as compliant or non-compliant during the renewal report for your school). Plan to listen to the live stream of your renewal report during the scheduled CSAB meeting. Charter Agreements make your school a school. Turn in all paperwork with urgency. Expiration of this document could delay your funding.