Damascus High School Administrative Staff Mr. Bob Domergue, Principal Ms. Lakeisha Adamson, Assistant Principal Grade 9 and Grade 12 (H-O) Dr. Andrei Ghelman, Assistant Principal Grade 10 and Grade 12 (A-G) Mrs. Karen Rose, Assistant Principal Grade 11 and Grade 12 (P-Z)
Nuts and Bolts Attendance Eligibility Emergency Situations Lockers PARENT HANDBOOK 2012 – 2013 Attendance Eligibility Emergency Situations Lockers Lunch Health Room Services Clubs
Attendance Procedures Most important aspect of attendance: BE HERE! BE ON TIME! Notes must be presented within three(3) school days of absence to be excused
Attendance Procedures E-3 - Students who accumulate 5 or more unexcused absences in a semester may receive a failing grade “E” for the course Early Dismissal – student should bring note to attendance office before school and sign out before leaving the building
Eligibility All 9th graders will be eligible during the 1st quarter To participate in extra-curricular activities students must maintain a 2.0 GPA and not earn more than one “E” in a marking period. Academic ineligibility remains in effect for the entire grading quarter.
Emergency Situations Shelter in Place Lockdown Parent Reunification
Emergency Situations Evacuation - If we ever need to evacuate the building, we would bring all students to our lower fields to keep them a safe distance away. In this case, if parents needed to pick up their children, parents would report to the Weis parking lot and we would have staff at Weis available to help. Off-site location- Damascus Recreation Center Parents need to speak to their children about the following ways to get home in case an emergency situation exists. Please explain to them what you expect.
Emergency Situations Option 1 If your child normally rides the bus to and from school, MCPS bus transportation will be provided. Option 2 If your child normally walks, drives, rides the Ride-On bus, or rides a car home with another student/parent, he/she will be permitted to walk/drive/ride home at a safe time. Option 3 Some students may try to choose to use a different form of transportation than normal to get home. A student, who rides the school bus, may want to choose to take the Ride-On bus or walk /ride home with another student/parent. Is this OK with you?
Emergency Situations In an emergency situation, if you do not want your child to: take a MCPS school bus, walk, ride home with another student/parent, or take the Ride-On bus, you need to inform us. Please complete a Parent Release Form if you would like us to keep your child at school until only you or a member of your family picks him/her up. Parent Release forms will be included in the PTSA newsletter and listed on the DHS webpage. It is assumed that all high school students would have keys to get into their homes or be able to visit a neighbor if their home is locked.
Lockers Each student is issued an individual locker including a combination for his/her school related items and personal belongings. School official may search lockers with reasonable cause. Each locker is to be used only by the person to whom it is assigned.
Lunch Open lunch for seniors only
Health Room Services Registered nurse and staffed by a certified health room technician, both of whom are employed by the Montgomery County Health and Human Services. The school community health nurse provides consultation, counseling and health education on all aspects of health, including emotional, mental, physical, social and environmental.
Health Room Services Vision, hearing, and TB screening tests are available upon request. Students in need of health room assistance are required to notify their teacher, use the signed agenda book as a pass and have the health room staff sign it before they return to class.
MCPS Transportation 301-353-0955
Damascus High School Clubs Club Name Faculty Sponsor American Sign Language Club AOIT Art Honor Society Art Club Auto Club Best Buddies Mrs. Grysavage Mr. Hanson Mrs. Goldsmith Mr. Ortiz Mrs. Formeller
Damascus High School Clubs Club Name Faculty Sponsor Book Club Chorus Debate Club Drama Club Color Guard Team F.F.A. Mrs. Garnham Mr. Isaac Mr. Anderson Mr. Kachadorian Mrs. Hyman Mrs. Mayhew
Damascus High School Clubs Faculty Sponsor Forensics Foreign Lang. Honor Society Math Team National Honor Society Newspaper Ms. Fogle Mrs. Hill Mrs. Paulson Mrs. Luther & Mrs. Krebs Mr. DeStefano
Damascus High School Clubs Faculty Sponsor Student Academy of Science Student Government Association It’s Academic Weightlifting Club Yearbook Mrs. Jennings Ms. Voketitis Mr. Anderson Mr. Dow Mrs. McCormick
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