Layers of the Atmosphere!
Troposphere “Tropo” means turning or changing This is where all weather occurs. Anywhere from 9km to 16km above sea level. Temperature goes from warm to cold as you increase in altitude.
Stratosphere Strato means layer or spread out. Contains the Ozone layer. From 10km to 50km above sea level. Planes often fly here. Temperature goes up as you rise in altitude due to the ozone absorbing the suns heat.
Mesosphere “Meso” means middle and is the middle layer of the atmosphere. Starts at 50km above sea level and ends at 80km. Protects the earth from meteoroids. Temperature goes down as altitude goes up.
Thermosphere “thermo” means heat. Temperatures reach up to 1,800 degrees Celsius or 3,272 degrees Fahrenheit. You actually would not feel warm in the thermosphere! 80km above sea level and has no definite end. As you increase in altitude, temperature goes up.
Ionosphere Called ionosphere because suns energy heats molecules to become ions. 80km to 400km in the atmosphere. Known for causing aurora borealis. Temperature goes up as you increase in altitude.
Exosphere Second layer of the thermosphere. Extends from 400km and extends into space. Hottest of the layers. Satellites orbit Earth in this layer. Temperature increases as you increase altitude.