By Harrison 9/12/14 Term# 1 ELA Who Am I By Harrison 9/12/14 Term# 1 ELA
I’m Harrison Naimo I’m a high school student that loves anything with an engine. I’m a family oriented person. I love to do exciting adrenalin rushing activities. But mainly I’m an outdoors type of guy.
What I want There’s a lot I want I want to have a good job and make a lot of money to get the things I want. I want my pug to be healthy I want to be a plumber I want to go to Highland
What I need to have it I need to do good in Labbb so I can attend Minute Man as a Minute Man student and go into plumbing. To do that I need to challenge myself with work and get great grades. I also need to graduate and get my high school diploma.
Video This is a video of what I want to do I go here a lot and mountain bike To get here I worked hard to get money and save up for my Scott Voltage Fr 20. This is one of the many adrenalin rushing things I do
My resources Google images You tube Harrison Thanks for watching