Chris Crawford Blast Analysis Meeting 2004/05/21


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Presentation transcript:

Chris Crawford Blast Analysis Meeting 2004/05/21 H(e,e’p) Analysis Chris Crawford Blast Analysis Meeting 2004/05/21

Monte Carlo Dataset used DGen, epel channel KINE 10 1. 1. 0. 45. 0. 21. 0. 11. (note .’s) 4 states, q=25±  90±, f=-17±  17± gen. 2.5M events ! 1.5M recon (75 bud hrs) momentum resolution: 15 MeV 6th order t2d function (before 2nd q bug-fix) standard wire resolution (200!120!400 m) LOSS=1 MULS=1

MC Cross Section theta

MC Asymmetry

MC Form Factor Ratio

Fit Method Super-ratio Method 2 equations in P, R i = left,right j = Q2 bin (1..n) b = spin angle Fit Method Super-ratio Method 2 equations in P, R for fixed bin j independent polarization in each bin! 2n parameters Pj, Rj Global Fit Method fit ALj, ARj to above formalism with P, Rj n+1 parameters n+2 (+spin angle?) same advantage as super-ratio method PbPt still cancels

Outbending Data (Dec)

Inbending Data(Feb, Apr)

Combined Dataset

Spin angle: 35± § 10± (errors also insensitive?) Fit of Spin Angle Spin angle: 35± § 10± (errors also insensitive?)

Systematic Errors 4 measured states ) 2 False Asymmetries Two options: a) assume beam and target symmetric, use Ab, At to estimate uncertainty in charge b) use measured beam/target asymmetry to calculation physics asymmetry dilution

False Asymmetries

MC Resolution Studies T2D, bkg 0m 200m 500m 2mm linear 1.8 3.0 6.7 94 intrinsic wire resolution T2D, bkg 0m 200m 500m 2mm linear 1.8 3.0 6.7 94 linear, phys 3.5 4.7 6th order 6.6 6th ord, phys 12.8 Momentum Resolution (MeV)

Track Fit Data vs MC

Tools for Improving Reconstruction/Analysis wcb_ntuple.C entry for each stub track info (p,q,f,z) stub coordinates t0-2, x0-2, d0-2 qtrk in cell, B field 16 48 8 24 32 40 56

nsed + init.C


Todo List refine cuts (TOF, CC), subtract background cuts on epics variables (current, WC HV) detector efficiencies w/unpol buffer system more statistics in MC, radiative corrections unfold b(z), acceptance dependence of s improve WC resolution, do a kinematic fit investigate low value of b fit