Unit 3: Creative, Inventive, and Notable People Andy Warhol, Self-Portrait (1967) World-Telegram staff photographer, Louis Armstrong (1953)
Andy Warhol, Self-Portrait (1967) MoMaLearning: https://www. moma What do you see in this portrait? Why did he use such vibrant colors? What is Pop Art? Why do you think Andy Warhol was so successful with his use of color?
World-Telegram staff photographer, Louis Armstrong (1953) Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Louis_Armstrong_restored.jpg What do you see in this portrait? Why do you think the photographer used the trumpet as the focal point in this image? Is this a photograph or a painting?
Click on the image for a 4 minute video on Andy Warhol and his work.
Today’s art project you will be will be creating a self-portrait inspired by Andy Warhol. Students will use a mirror to draw themselves with pencil. Then outline their portrait with a black marker. Make copies of your portrait and add vibrate colors making each image different from the rest.
Today’s art project will be to create a self-portrait inspired by Andy Warhol.