Improving Statistics for Measuring Development Outcomes Demand for Statistics from DFID Perspective National data to inform and monitor country [poverty reduction] strategies Global monitoring of Progress towards the Millennium Development Goals Outcome Based Development, Managing for Results, Millennium Challenge Account, DFID’s Public Services Agreement
Improving Statistics for Measuring Development Outcomes Perceived Problems Lack of country level statistics which are timely, appropriate and good quality Discrepancies between national statistics and statistics present in global data bases Discrepancies between statistics held by international agencies Implications
Improving Statistics for Measuring Development Outcomes Looking ahead - possible conference outcomes Clear mutual understanding of specific problems constraining the development community’s ability to monitor development outcomes Agreement on the issues which need to be addressed Roadmap leading to agreed action plan
Improving Statistics for Measuring Development Outcomes PARIS 21 task team: June 2002 WB round table meeting on results based management identified a need to improve national and international monitoring systems as a priority. Bank and Eurostat set up P21 task team with aim of identifying key actions and activities to improve both global and national data availability and use. Study: To provide information on current national and international statistical systems and practices to help the task team, and development community more widely, identify actions and activities needed to improve currently available statistics. Two elements to the study: International; six country studies. OPM contracted to carry out the international work and preliminary work on country studies