Akimel A-al Rattlers 2018 Cross Country
Coaches Coach Kennedy mkenne@kyrene.org Coach Johnson johnsonmara99@gmail.com Coach Janas Volunteer Coaches: Heidi Burgess Shauna Christofis
Student-Athletes Academics/Behavior As a member of our Rattlers athletic program, students are held to higher standards. Student-athletes will: Avoid referrals or behavioral issues in the classroom. Pass ALL classes. (Failing will cause the student to be ineligible). Represent our school at all times.
Sportsmanship and Attitude Treat your teammates/coaches the way you would like to be treated. Our team comes before the individuals on our team. Show good sportsmanship at all times (win or lose). Bring a positive attitude to every practice/meet. Thank parents, coaches and volunteers for helping us reach our goals!
Practice/ Meet Times M, T , W & F 6:15-7:45am TH pm – 3:45-5:15 pm Once meets begin (week of Aug. 30)- Friday morning practices will be up to the coaches. Meets begin at 5pm (see schedule on AKI athletics website) NO School= NO Practice
Dress/Shoes Shorts/t-shirts/tank tops Quality running shoes (Sole Sports- Warner/Rural Rd) Spikes are not required Meets – PLAIN black shorts/AMS uniform Cross Country Team T-shirt (see future slide) NO jewelry at meets
Being Prepared for Practice/ Meets Before: hydrate, sleep, eat like an athlete and bring all gear ( shower shoes). After: recovery drink (chocolate milk- available article on the benefits), breakfast, shower items (flip flops for in the shower), clothes/shoes for school. Meet days: Uniforms, healthy snack, water
Ability Groups We will group athletes based on a beginning time trial, running experience and age. Groups may change due to meet results. Conference Meet: Top 7 athletes boys/girls will run in a varsity meet, all other team members will run in a JV meet. (Thurs. Oct. 4, 2018 5 pm)
What is your role? (Parents are welcome to run with us!)
Tardies/Absences We want to assure athletes are warmed up and stretched in order to prevent injuries, please be on time! Absence/Tardy Policy: On the 2nd unexcused absence and/or the 3rd tardy the athlete may not compete in the first meet. Once meets begin, this moves to 1 unexcused absence and/or 2 tardies. Please communicate BEFORE practice if your athlete must miss practice.
Additional Meets We have an option to run at 2 meets in addition to our Kyrene schedule Twilight Invitational – Fri. Sept. 28, 2018( approx. $10) Arizona Middle School State Meet- Sat. Oct. 27, 2018 Surprise, AZ (approx. $25)
Transportation Students will take the bus to away meets, there will NOT be a return bus. Please sign your athlete out at AWAY meets only. Athletes are expected to stay to watch their teammates compete, unless a coach has been informed prior to the meet.
Rattler Cross Country Communication Web page- coaches information, meet schedule, Sign-Up Genius ( we need volunteers to help at our home meets), meet results. Text Reminders- Remind (text the message @d7k3dh to 81010.)
XC Team T-Shirts Order form are here tonight (see Mrs. Martin/ Mrs. Christofis) $15 – not required Parents can order too! Due on Friday 8-24-18
Volunteers are needed ! Finish line help, course helpers ( Home Meets) Parents to bring Otter Pops/Gatorade/Cold Towels (all meets) Use Sign-Up Genius on our Rattler CC Website
Go Rattlers!! Before you leave…. Please meet your coaches. Purchase your team shirts! Go Rattlers!!