Type III School Bus Training Program 2009-2010 School Year
Type III Driver Regulations In 2008 the Minnesota Legislature created several sections of law requiring annual training and certification of persons that operate Type III School Buses. In 2009 the Minnesota Legislature removed the section of law that required Type III drivers submit to a physical examination. NOTE: Some of the laws & rules have been “paraphrased” in order to condense this presentation.
Definition of Type III School Bus Minnesota Statute 169 Definition of Type III School Bus Minnesota Statute 169.011, Subdivision 71 (5) Type III vehicles are restricted to passenger cars, station wagons, vans, and buses having a maximum manufacturer's rated seating capacity of ten or fewer people, including the driver, and a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 pounds or less.
Type III Vehicle Drivers Minnesota Statute 171.02, Subdivision 2b (a) The holder of a class D driver’s license, without a school bus endorsement, may operate a Type III vehicle described in section 169.011, under the following conditions:
Type III Vehicle Drivers (Continued) Minnesota Statute 171 Type III Vehicle Drivers (Continued) Minnesota Statute 171.02, Subdivision 2b (b) & (c) The operator is an employee of the entity that owns, leases or contracts for the school bus. The operator’s employer has adopted and implemented a policy that provides annual training and certification of the operator in:
Type III Vehicle Drivers (Continued) Minnesota Statute 171 Type III Vehicle Drivers (Continued) Minnesota Statute 171.02, Subdivision 2b (c) (1-4) Safe operation of a Type III vehicle Understanding student behavior, including issues relating to students with disabilities. Encouraging orderly conduct of students on the bus and handling incidents of misconduct appropriately. Knowing and understanding relevant laws, rules of the road, and local school bus safety policies.
Type III Vehicle Drivers (Continued) Minnesota Statute 171 Type III Vehicle Drivers (Continued) Minnesota Statute 171.02, Subdivision 2b (c) (5-8) Handling emergency situations. Proper use of seat belts and child safety restraints. Performance of pre-trip vehicle inspections; and Safe loading and unloading of students, including, but not limited to:
Type III Vehicle Drivers (Continued) Minnesota Statute 171 Type III Vehicle Drivers (Continued) Minnesota Statute 171.02, Subdivision 2b (c) (8) (i-ii) Utilizing a safe location for loading and unloading students at the curb, on the non-traffic side of the roadway, or at off-street loading areas, driveways, yards, and other areas to enable the student to avoid hazardous conditions. Refraining from loading and unloading students in a vehicular traffic lane, on the shoulder, in a designated turn lane, or a lane adjacent to a designated turn lane.
Type III Vehicle Drivers (Continued) Minnesota Statute 171 Type III Vehicle Drivers (Continued) Minnesota Statute 171.02, Subdivision 2b (c) (8) (iii-iv) Avoiding a loading or unloading location that would require a pupil to cross a road, or ensuring that the driver or an aide personally escort the pupil across the road if it is not reasonably feasible to avoid such a location; and Placing the Type III vehicle in "park" during loading and unloading.
Background Check Minnesota Statute 171.02, Subdivision 2b (d) A background check or background investigation of the operator has been conducted that meets the requirements for school district employees.
Driving Record Minnesota Statute 171.02, Subdivision 2b (g) The operator's driver's license is verified annually by the entity that owns, leases, or contracts for the school bus.
Alcohol Offenses Minnesota Statute 171.02, Subdivision 2b (h) A person who sustains a DWI conviction or violation of the implied consent law, or who is convicted of or has their driver's license revoked under a similar statute or ordinance of another state, is precluded from operating a Type III vehicle for five years from the date of conviction.
Disqualifying Offenses Minnesota Statute 171.02, Subdivision 2b (i) A person who has ever been convicted of a disqualifying offense may not operate a Type III vehicle under this subdivision. "Disqualifying offense" includes (1) any felony offense, (2) any misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, or felony violation of chapter 152, (3) any violation under section 609.3451, 609.746, subdivision 1, 617.23, 617.246, 617.247, or 617.293, or (4) while driving, operating, or being in physical control of a school bus or a Head Start bus, a violation of section 169A.20 or a similar statute or ordinance from another state.
Moving Offenses Minnesota Statute 171.02, Subdivision 2b (j) A person who is convicted of a moving offense within three years of the first of three other moving offenses is precluded from operating a Type III vehicle for one year from the date of the last conviction.
Moving Violations Example 02-10-2008 Speed 11-21-2008 Disobey sign 03-31-2009 Speed 06-10-2009 Speed (Triggering Conviction) Loss of Type III driving privileges for one (1) year from the last conviction, eligible for reinstatement 06-11-2010.
Reporting Offenses Minnesota Statute 171.02, Subdivision 2b (k) An operator who sustains a conviction of DWI, a moving violation or disqualifying offense while employed by the entity that owns, leases, or contracts for the school bus, shall report the conviction to the employer within ten days of the date of the conviction. NOTE: This applies to violations that occur in any vehicle, including your own.
Notification Form Type III School Bus Driver Notification to Employer of Violation forms are available in the “Forms” section on the Bemidji Area Schools First Class mail system and at Transportation Services.
Personal Cellular Phone Call Prohibited Minnesota Statute 169 Personal Cellular Phone Call Prohibited Minnesota Statute 169.443, Subdivision 9 A school bus driver may not operate a school bus or Type III while communicating over, or otherwise operating, a cellular phone for personal reasons, whether hand-held or hands free, when in motion. Effective for Type III school bus on August 1, 2008.
Additional Type III Rules Minnesota Rule 7470.1000, Subpart 2 No pupils may be in the bus while the fuel tank is being filled. On leaving the vehicle when pupils are in the bus, the driver shall stop the motor, remove the ignition key, set the brakes, and otherwise render the bus immobile.
Type III Unauthorized Items Minnesota Rule 7470.1000, Subpart 2 The authorized person shall see that no materials, including guns, loaded or unloaded; gasoline cans, empty or full; animals, except companion animals accompanying persons with disabilities; or any other object of a dangerous or objectionable nature are transported in the school bus when pupils are being transported.
Seat Belt Laws Minnesota Statute 169.686 State law requires seatbelt usage of all passengers Effective July 1, 2009, all children that are under the age of eight and shorter than four feet nine inches, need to be in a child restraint device.
Child Safety Restraints There are numerous child safety restraint systems being used throughout the industry. Consult the manufacturers recommendations or a supervisor for the particular child safety restraint system being used by your district / carrier for proper installation and usage.
Air Bag Information Air bag technology has improved over the years, however air bags can still present a significant danger to students. It is recommended students avoid riding in the front passenger seat of a Type III school bus until they are twelve years of age and/or adult size.
Required Driver Evaluations Annually the driver of a type III school bus must be evaluated and certified to operate a Type III school bus. Pre-trip evaluation Behind the wheel evaluation Evaluator certification
Understanding Student Conduct Control behavior by communicating the rules Stay seated Stay buckled up Face forward Do not distract the driver Deal with misconduct by pulling over if necessary, control the behavior, then proceed Contact supervisor if necessary Do not allow bad behavior to go unchecked, know your district/company policy and ask for help if necessary Always put safety first for all students that ride your Type III school bus
Students with special needs Special needs students may not fully understand all the safety rules necessary for a safe ride. Know that if routine is changed some special needs students will not understand and may act out. Questions you may have regarding a particular special needs students may best be answered by their parent, guardian, or teacher. Some special needs students with behavioral disorders may require assigned seats and closer attention then most students. Younger students may not say anything even though they are having some difficulty on the bus. Always check that tie-down devices are secured, before leaving the student pick up location.
Minnesota State Laws & Rules of the Road You must have your driver license in possession while driving. You must have a current/signed/completed pre-trip inspection form in your procession for the current day of operation. State law requires you to wear your seat belt at all times when operating the Type III school bus. You must signal all turns and lane changes. You must stop for pedestrians in crosswalks. Since you are driving a Type III school bus you are not required to stop at railroad crossings, but you must use due caution non-the-less. As a driver of a Type III school bus you must operate the vehicle with due care in consideration of traffic and road conditions . This may require you to drive slower than posted speed limits to ensure student safety. As the driver of a Type III school bus you are responsible to ensure all required safety equipment is present when transporting students. Remember only emergency stops are permitted on interstate highways, if you do need to stop for any another reason, exit the freeway/highway before stopping. Ensure compliance with local school bus safety policies adopted by your district.
Emergency Situations Plan evacuations for your Type III school bus Make sure the students know all the exits and how to use them Keep a list of contact names and phone numbers in case of a mechanical problem Make sure all students are dressed for inclement weather in case your Type III school bus is unable to provide a proper shelter until help arrives Plan your route before you leave to avoid an emergency situation Make sure that all safety equipment is available if needed
Accident Procedures Stop immediately in the safest area possible. Assist any injured person. Do not move any injured person unless it is absolutely necessary. Evacuate the vehicle if: There is fire or danger of fire. The vehicle is in an unsafe position. There is a danger of drowning.
Accident Procedures (Continued) Provide your name, driver’s license number and insurance information. Do not discuss the accident with anyone except police and school district personnel. Record as much information listed on the forms located in the first aid kit. Contact Transportation Services as soon as possible. Transportation Information cards have been placed in each Type III vehicle.
Student Conduct and Students with Special Needs Survey 1. The length of time a student with disabilities is transported shall be appropriate to the physical, mental and emotional well being of the student? TRUE 2. An IEP is an Instructional Education Program? FALSE, Individual Education Plan 3. Student management involves a commitment to working with students to clarify the problems and find solutions?
Student Conduct and Students with Special Needs Survey (Continued) 4. Each driver and aide of students with special needs must be a paramedic? FALSE 5. Typically speaking , junior high students are the most difficult students to manage? TRUE 6. Reinforcing good behavior is one of the best tools to use in managing student conduct on your bus?
Student Conduct and Students with Special Needs Survey (Continued) 7. Students do not always understand things they say are offensive to other students? True 8. The bus is an extension of the school day? 9. The bus driver can discharge a student anywhere along the route if they are making a disruption on the bus? False
Type III Pre-Trip Inspection Minnesota Rule 7470.1300 You are required to conduct a pre-trip inspection of your Type III School Bus every day that it is used to transport students.
Pre-Trip Inspection Form
Pre-Trip Routine Use the diagram on the reverse side of the Pre-Trip Inspection form to assist you with your inspection. Start with the mechanical check, then continue counterclockwise around the vehicle during the external inspection and finish with the internal inspection. If no defects are found, sign and date the front of the form. The form is to remain in the vehicle.
What if I discover a problem during my pre-trip inspection? If you discover a mechanical problem during the pre-trip inspection contact a supervisor or maintenance shop personnel to ensure repairs are made prior to operating the Type III school bus.
Out of Service Defects If you return to Transportation Services after hours and your Type III School Bus has a defect, place an OUT OF SERVICE card on the front seat of the vehicle to alert others of the problem. The cards are located to the right of the key drop box by Door 1.
Know where the safety equipment is stored in your Type III School Bus.. Triangles, to be placed on roadway to warn other traffic if you break down. Body fluid clean up First Aid Kit Fire extinguisher must be fully charged. Verify this by checking the charge indication arrow is in the green zone.
Remember to always leave the Type III School Bus clean after usage.
Post Trip Inspection Some Type III school bus seat backs are high and can hide students and items.
Congratulations on completing the Type III School Bus Training Program! Type III School Bus Knowledge and Assessment certificates are available in the “Forms” section on the Bemidji Area Schools First Class mail system. After viewing this PowerPoint presentation, print and sign the form, then forward the form to Transportation Services. You are now ready to schedule your annual pre-trip & behind-the-wheel evaluation.