What is perspective and why does it matter.
One Point Perspective Drawing One-point perspective is when all the major lines of an image converge on one point
Perspective Drawing You can see this effect best illustrated when looking down a set of straight railroad tracks or a long road. The lines of the road and track, although we know they are the same distance apart, seem to meet and join together at some point in the far distance - the vanishing point
This is a photograph that depicts one point perspective Here's a photograph of a box on a table, again showing us how one set of lines stays parallel and the other set vanishes to a point.
Neat Right Angles Make Your Pictures Look Realistic Watch the angles of your objects. Many artists get frustrated with their drawing because the angles become slanted.
Where is the vanishing point?
What is a Silhouette? The dark shape or outline of something on a lighter background. Your shadow is a silhouette of your body. There are no details on a silhouette.
Photographs of sea life silhouettes
Create a one point perspective drawing of an aquarium, add at least three silhouettes. Notice where the vanishing point is. What is incorrect about this drawing?