INTEREST PROFILER NOTES R -- Realistic Skills: tools, mechanical/electrical drawings, machines, plants and animals Avoids: social activities such as teaching, healing, informing others Welders, Packaging Machine Operators, Electricians, Truck Drivers, Refuse Collectors
I -- Investigative Skills: Solving science and math problems Avoids: Leading, selling or persuading people Pharmacists, Financial Analysts, Cardiovascular Technologists, Systems Analysts, Nuclear Engineers
A -- Artistic Skills: creative writing, drama, crafts, music, art Avoids: highly ordered or repetitive activities Librarians, Graphic Designers, Technical Writers, Photographers, Architects, Writers, Authors
S -- Social Skills: teaching, counseling, nursing, giving information Avoids: using machines, tools or animals to achieve goals Child Care Workers, Secondary School Teachers, Social Workers, Personal Financial Advisors, Registered Nurse
E -- Enterprising Skills: leading people, selling things or ideas Avoids: careful observation and scientific analytical thinking Lawyers, Purchasing Managers, Industrial Engineers, Construction Supervisors, Claims Adjusters, Transportation Supervisors
C -- Conventional Skills: working with written records and numbers in a systematic, orderly way Avoids: ambiguous, unstructured activities Bookkeeping, Accounting, Billing Clerks, Cost Estimators, Legal Secretaries, Computer Support Specialists, Management Analysts