Satellite mosaic image of Shanghai, at the mouth of the Yangtze River and one of China’s megacities threatened by rising sea level J. Stevens and J. Allen, NASA/Earth Observatory Edmond Mathez and Jason Smerdon Climate Change: the science of global warming and our energy future, Chapter 12 frontispiece
Probability that the global mean surface air temperature will exceed 2°C above the preindustrial value by 2100 as a function of cumulative CO2 emissions from 2000 to 2049 Meinshausen et al., 2009 Edmond Mathez and Jason Smerdon Climate Change: the science of global warming and our energy future, figure 12.1
Top: Middle-Snake-Tamarac Rivers Watershed District; bottom; FEMA Minnesota farm surrounded by a ring dike, a form of flood insurance, during a flood of the Red River (top), and an unprotected Missouri farm flooded by waters of the Mississippi (bottom) Top: Middle-Snake-Tamarac Rivers Watershed District; bottom; FEMA Edmond Mathez and Jason Smerdon Climate Change: the science of global warming and our energy future, figure 12.2
Ranking of risks showing that consequences with the highest probability of occurrence and least severe impact will occur in the near future, and those with the least probability of occurrence and most severe impact will occur in the distant future Edmond Mathez and Jason Smerdon Climate Change: the science of global warming and our energy future, figure 12.3
Estimated probability distribution curves for equilibrium climate sensitivity showing long tails on their positive sides Hegerl et al., 2007, IPCC Edmond Mathez and Jason Smerdon Climate Change: the science of global warming and our energy future, figure 12.4
Mutidecadal variations in the ratio of El Niño to La Niña years illustrating that risks fluctuate as climate fluctuates Verdon-Kidd and Kiem, 2010 Edmond Mathez and Jason Smerdon Climate Change: the science of global warming and our energy future, figure 12.5
Measures of climate defining the “General Crisis” in seventeenth-century Europe Zhang et al., 2011 Edmond Mathez and Jason Smerdon Climate Change: the science of global warming and our energy future, figure 12.6
Causal linkages among climate change and metrics of socioeconomic and demographic health during the “General Crisis” in seventeenth-century Europe Zhang et al., 2011 Edmond Mathez and Jason Smerdon Climate Change: the science of global warming and our energy future, figure 12.7