Chapter 4: Verbal and Nonverbal Messages
Verbal Messages Clarity and Ambiguity Use unequivocal terms to avoid misunderstandings Equivocal terms Differing interpretations Differing cultural values
Verbal Messages Clarity and Ambiguity Use lower-level abstractions Low-level abstractions High-level abstractions Relative words
Verbal Messages Clarity and Ambiguity Use slang with caution Use jargon judiciously To save time To add credibility Avoid business buzzwords
Verbal Messages Clarity and Ambiguity Use strategic ambiguity To promote harmony To soften difficult messages To make a point indirectly
Verbal Messages Clarity and Ambiguity Choose optimum degree of powerful language Types of less powerful language
Verbal Messages Inflammatory Language Avoid biased language Beware of trigger words
Verbal Messages Masculine & Feminine Language Use Feminine speech Rapport talk Expressive tool Supportive Tentative
Verbal Messages Masculine & Feminine Language Use Masculine speech Report talk Instrumental tool Advice Assertive Dominant
Verbal Messages Meeting Gender-Related Language Challenges Be aware of different styles Switch styles Combine styles
Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal Characteristics Always has communicative value Is powerful Is ambiguous