Data & Information Data is collection of raw and unprocessed facts and unprocessed facts, figures and symbols. Example: Train, will, arrive , at, 9.30 a.m Information is well organised form of data. The train will arrive at 9.30 a.m.
Computer Computer is an electronic device that accepts data as the input, processes the data and stores it as per user’s requirement and provides us the required instructions with high speed and accuracy. COMPUTER (Processing) OUTPUT INPUT
Characteristics of Computer Speed Accuracy Diligence Versatility Power of remembering No I.Q. No feelings Automatic
1. Speed Fast device. Work done at enormous speed as compared to human beings. Measured in terms of microsecond(10 - 6),nanoseconds(10-9) and even in picoseconds(10-12). A computer is capable of performing several billion (109) simple arithmetic operations per second. Speed of computer varies from computer to computer.
2. Accuracy Works with higest accuracy Degree of accuracy depends upon design of computer. Errors occurred are mostly “Human Errors” rather than “Technological Errors”. Human errors are like wrong command, inaccurate data input etc. These errors referred to as garbage-in-garbage-out. for example: 12/0=error
3. Diligence Free from monotony. Free from tiredness. Free from lack of concentration. Speed and accuracy of first calculation will be the same as millionth calculation.
4. versatility Can do all types of jobs simultaneously. Can do diverse nature of jobs like calculation, graphic work, searching etc. at the same time.
5.Power of Remembering Unlike human being computer can store huge amount of data(either letter, picture, sound etc.) Retains data even after several years of the storage. Data can be recalled whenever required. It is entirely up to the user to make a computer retain or delete information
6. No I.Q. No intelligence of its own. I.Q. is zero. Has to told what to do and in what sequence. Can not take decisions.
7. No Feelings Devoid of emotions. No taste. Follow human/programmer instructions.
8. Automatic Works by itself without human intervention. Being machines, can not start themselves. When the job is completed, the next one is executed automatically. Other characteristics such as speed and accuracy are because they are automatic.