Candidate in Master of Arts in English/TESOL Portfolio Homepage Robin Adamopoulos Candidate in Master of Arts in English/TESOL Salisbury University Table of Contents
Table of Contents I. Philosophy of Education II. Resume III. TESOL Standards IV. Technology Standards V. Artifacts TESOL Standards Technology Standards VI. Classroom Evaluations Return to Homepage
Philosophy of Education “Knowledge emerges only through invention and re-invention, through the restless, impatient, continuing, hopeful inquiry human beings pursue in the world, with the world, and with each other.” Paolo Freire (1970), Pedagogy of the Oppressed The classroom should be an environment where students feel free to discuss their ideas and use their experiences to enhance their learning. My view of teaching is the teacher as a facilitator of learning: the teacher constructs an environment where learning can take place. I want to give my students the opportunity to try new things and to build on their developing concepts of the world and society. Acquiring a second language is a long and complex process, the teacher must help the students to face these difficulties and persevere through the challenges they will face. Therefore, as an ESL teacher, I must have a view towards caring and nurturing the whole person, accepting the students for who they are, and, at the same time, attempting to provide them with the tools, the language and literacy skills, the students will need to be able to succeed in academics and society. Back to Table of Contents
Return to Table of Contents TESOL Standards Domain 1: Language Domain 2: Culture Domain 3: Planning and Managing Instruction Domain 4: Assessment Domain 5: Professionalism Return to Table of Contents
Technology Standards I. Information Access, Evaluation, Processing and Application II. Communication III. Legal, Social and Ethical Issues IV. Assessment for Administration and Instruction V. Integrating Technology into the Curriculum and Instruction VI. Assistive Technology VII. Professional Growth Return to Table of Contents
Artifacts TESOL Domains Return to Table of Contents Domain 1: Language Standard 1.a. Describing Language Standard 1.b. Language Acquisition and Development Domain 2: Culture Standard 2.a. Nature and Role of Culture Standard 2.b. Cultural Groups and Identity Standard 2.c. Interrelationship Between Language and Culture Domain 3: Planning and Managing Instruction Standard 3.a. Planning for ESL Instruction Standard 3.b. Managing ESL Instruction Standard 3.c. Managing Content Instruction for ESOL Learners Standard 3.d. Using Resources Effectively in ESL Instruction Domain 4: Assessment Standard 4.a. Issues of Assessment for ESL Standard 4.b. Language Proficiency Assessment Standard 4.c. Classroom-based Assessment for ESL. Domain 5: Professionalism Standard 5.a. ESL Research and History Standard 5.b. Partnerships and Advocacy Standard 5.c. Professional Development and Collaboration Return to Table of Contents
Artifacts Technology Standards I. Information Access, Evaluation, Processing and Application II. Communication III. Legal, Social and Ethical Issues IV. Assessment for Administration and Instruction V. Integrating Technology into the Curriculum and Instruction VI. Assistive Technology VII. Professional Growth Return to Table of Contents
TESOL Domain 1: Language Candidates know, understand, and use the major concepts, theories, and research related to the nature and acquisition of language to construct learning environments that support ESOL students’ language and literacy development and content area achievement. Standard 1.a. Standard 1.b. Return to TESOL Standards
Standard 1.a. Describing Language Candidates demonstrate understanding of language as a system and demonstrate a high level of competence in helping ESOL students acquire and use English in listening, speaking, reading and writing for both social and academic purposes. Artifact Reflection Return to TESOL Domain 1
Artifact: Standard 1.a. The artifact selected for TESOL Domain 1: Standard 1.a. Describing Language is a Food Shopping Lesson Plan developed for ENGL 539: Second Language Acquisition. Actual Artifact Back
Standard 1.b. Language Acquisition and Development Candidates know, understand and apply concepts, theories, research, and practice to facilitate the acquisition of both a primary and a new language in and out of classroom settings. Artifact Reflection Return to TESOL Standards
Artifact: Standard 1.b. The artifact selected for TESOL Domain 1: Standard 1.b. Language Acquisition and Development is a paper exploring the impact of personality on second language acquisition written for ENGL 539: Second Language Acquisition in the Spring of 2004. Actual Artifact Back
TESOL Domain 2 : Culture Standard 2.a. Standard 2.b. Standard 2.c. Candidates know, understand, and use the major concepts, theories, and research related to the nature and structure of culture to construct learning environments that support ESOL students’ language and literacy development and content area achievement. Standard 2.a. Standard 2.b. Standard 2.c. Return to TESOL Standards
Standard 2.a. Nature and Role of Culture Candidates know, understand, and use the major concepts, principles, theories and research related to the nature and role of culture in language development and academic achievement which support individual students’ learning. Reflection Artifact Return to TESOLDomain 2
Artifact: Standard 2.a. The artifact selected for TESOL Domain 2: Standard 2.a. Nature and Role of Culture is a reaction paper written for ENGL 535 : Language and Culture. The paper is a review of a chapter from Sonia Nieto (2002): Language, Culture, and Teaching: Critical Perspectives for a New Century. Actual Artifact Back
Standard 2.b. Cultural Groups and Identity Candidates know,understand, and use knowledge of how cultural groups and students’ cultural identity affect language learning and school achievement. Artifact Reflection Return to TESOLDomain 2
Artifact: Standard 2.b. The artifact selected for TESOL Domain 2: Standard 2.b. Cultural Groups and Identity is a lesson plan which builds on cultural knowledge. This lesson plan was developed for ENGL 538 Bilingualism. Actual Artifact Back
Standard 2.c. Interrelationship Between Language and Culture Candidates know and understand the interrelationship between language and culture and the impact of this relationship on learning. Artifact Reflection Return to TESOL Standards
Artifact: Standard 2.c. The Trickster Tales Lesson Plan I wrote for ENGL 538: Bilingualism was selected for Standards 2.b. and 2.c.: Interrelationship Between Language and Culture as this lesson uses culture as a medium to teach language. Actual Artifact Back
TESOL Domain 3: Planning and Managing Instruction Candidates know, understand, and are able to use effective practices and strategies related to planning and management of ESL instruction, including classroom organization, effective teaching strategies for developing and integrating language skills, implementing a variety of teaching strategies and structures, and effectively choosing and adapting classroom resources. Standard 3.a. Standard 3.c. Standard 3.b. Standard 3.d. Return to TESOL Standards
Standard 3.a. Planning for ESL Instruction Candidates know, understand, and apply concepts, research, and best practices to plan and organize classroom instruction in a supportive learning environment for ESOL students. Candidates demonstrate enthusiasm for learning a second language, serve as effective English language models, and manage the classroom effectively for multilevel classrooms with learners from diverse backgrounds. Artifact Reflection Return to TESOL Domain 3
Artifact: Standard 3.a. The artifact selected for TESOL Domain 3: Standard 3.a. Planning for ESL Instruction is an observation of a mainstream classroom with ELLs conducted for EDUC 547: Methods of Teaching ESOL in the Fall of 2004. Actual Artifact Back
Standard 3.b. Managing ESL Instruction Candidates know, understand and use a variety of effective teaching strategies and materials for developing and integrating English listening, speaking, reading and writing. Artifact Reflection Return to TESOL Domain 3
Artifact: Standard 3.b. The artifact selected for TESOL Domain 3: Standard 3.b. Managing ESL Instruction is a lesson plan prepared as part of a unit plan for ENGL 532: Literacy and ESOL Reading and developed further for ENGL 534: Literacy and ESOL Writing. Actual Artifact Back
Standard 3.c. Managing Content Instruction for ESOL Learners Candidates know, understand, and implement a range of teaching strategies, structures and models to support ESOL students in accessing the core curriculum by learning language and academic content together. Reflection Artifact Return to TESOL Domain 3
Artifact: Standard 3.c. The Information Quest Lesson Plan was selected as an artifact for Standard 3.c. Managing Content Instruction for ESOL Learners as this lesson integrates content knowledge– a history lesson with language learning. Actual Artifact Back
Standard 3.d. Using Resources Effectively in ESL Instruction Candidates are familiar with a wide range of materials, resources, and technologies and choose, adapt, and use them effectively in ESL teaching. Artifact Reflection Return to TESOL Domain 3
Artifact: Standard 3.d. The Information Quest Lesson Plan uses many resources in delivering content and literacy skills to ESOL learners. This artifact was also selected to demonstrate Standard 3.d. Using Resources Effectively in ESL Instruction. Actual Artifact Back
TESOL Domain 4: Assessment Candidates understand issues of assessment and use assessment measures as they relate to ESOL students. Standard 4.b. Standard 4.a. Standard 4.c. Return to TESOL Standards
Standard 4.a. Issues of Assessment for ESL Candidates understand various issues of assessment, e.g. cultural bias, political and social factors in assessment, IQ and special education testing (including gifted and talented), as they affect ESOL student learning. Artifact Reflection Return to TESOL Domain 4
Artifact: Standard 4.a. The artifact selected for TESOL Domain 4: Standard 4.a. Issues of Assessment for ESL is an independent study project developed for EDUC 591: Instructional Techniques for Inclusion addressing the assessment and evaluation of ELLs with learning disabilities. Actual Artifact Back
Standard 4.b. Language Proficiency Assessment Candidates know and use a variety of language proficiency instruments to inform instruction and understand its uses for identification and placement of students. Artifact Reflection Return to TESOL Domain 4
Artifact: Standard 4.b. The artifact selected for TESOL Domain 4: Standard 4.b. Language Proficiency Assessment is a survey of language proficiency I designed for teaching ESOL ENGL 101 at Salisbury University, Fall, 2004. Actual Artifact Back
Standard 4.c. Classroom-based Assessment for ESL Candidates know and use a variety of classroom-based assessment tools to inform instruction. Artifact Reflection Return to TESOL Domain 4
Artifact: Standard 4.c. The artifact selected for TESOL Domain 4: Standard 4.c. Classroom-Based Assessment for ESL is a project designed to teach rhetorical structure and assess students’ comprehension of this concept. This project was a part of a unit plan for EDUC 534: Literacy and ESOL Reading. Actual Artifact Back
TESOL Domain 5: Professionalism Candidates demonstrate knowledge of the history of ESL teaching. Candidates keep current with new instructional techniques, research results, advances in the ESL field, and public policy issues. Candidates use such information to reflect upon and improve their instructional practices. Candidates provide support and advocate for ESOL students and their families and work collaborative to improve the learning environment. Standard 5.a. Standard 5.b. Standard 5.c. Return to TESOL Standards
Standard 5.a. ESL Research and History Candidates are knowledgeable of history, research, and current practice in the field of ESL teaching and apply this knowledge to improve teaching and learning. Artifact Reflection Return to TESOL Domain 5
Artifact: Standard 5.a. The artifact selected for TESOL Domain 5: Standard 5.a. ESL Research and History is a research journal prepared for ENGL 538: Bilingualism which explored websites and current news involving ESL issues. Actual Artifact Back
Standard 5.b. Partnerships and Advocacy Candidates serve as professional resources, advocate for language minority children, and build partnerships with their families. Artifact Reflection Return to TESOL Domain 5
Artifact: Standard 5.b. The artifact selected for TESOL Domain 5: Standard 5.b. Partnerships and Advocacy is a Power Point presentation prepared for EDUC 591: Independent Study of the History and Foundations of Education. The Power Point presents a framework for collaboration between the school, parents and the community in supporting ELLs and their families. Actual Artifact Back
Standard 5.c. Professional Development and Collaboration Candidates collaborate with and are prepared to serve as a resource to all staff to improve learning for all ESOL students. Artifact Reflection Return to TESOL Domain 5
Artifact: Standard 5.c. The artifact selected for TESOL Domain 5: Standard 5.c. Professional Development and Collaboration is an Annotated Bibliography which serves as a handout/companion piece for the Power Point – Artifact for Standard 5.b. The handout and Power Point were designed to be used in a professional development workshop. Actual Artifact Back
Technology Standard I: Information Access, Evaluation, Processing and Application Access, evaluate, process and apply information efficiently and effectively. Artifact Reflection Return to Technology Standards
Artifact: Technology Standard I The artifact selected for Technology Standard I: Information Access, Evaluation, Processing, and Application is an Annotated Bibliography which is the research base of the presentation selected for TESOL Domain 5. Actual Artifact Back
Technology Standard II: Communication Use technology effectively and appropriately to interact electronically. Use technology to communicate information in a variety of forms. Artifact Reflection Return to Technology Standards
Artifact: Technology Standard II The artifact selected for Technology Standard II: Communication is a Learning Experience Activity lesson developed for ENGL 547: ESOL Methods. The lesson involves using photography to create a composition. Actual Artifact Back
Technology Standard III: Legal, Social and Ethical Issues Demonstrate an understanding of the legal, social, and ethical issues related to technology use. Artifact Reflection Return to Technology Standards
Artifact: Technology Standard III The artifact selected for Technology Standard III: Legal, Social, and Ethical Issues is a journal consisting of reflections on articles gathered from on-line resources compiled for ENGL 538: Bilingualism. Actual Artifact Back
Technology Standard IV: Assessment for Administration and Instruction Use technology to analyze problems and develop data-driven solutions for instructional and school improvement. Artifact Reflection Return to Technology Standards
Artifact: Technology Standard IV The artifact selected for Technology Standard IV: Assessment is a Power Point on developing criterion-referenced tests. The presentation was a course requirement of ENGL 591: Special Topics– ESOL Assessments. Actual Artifact Back
Technology Standard V: Integrating Technology into the Curriculum and Instruction Design, implement and assess learning experiences that incorporate use of technology in a curriculum-related instructional activity to support understanding, inquiry, problem solving, communication and/or collaboration. Artifact Reflection Return to Technology Standards
Artifact: Technology Standard V The artifact selected for Technology Standard V: Integrating Technology is a lesson plan developed for ENGL 534: ESOL Literacy and Writing. This lesson involves students in conducting research to prepare a Power Point Presentation. Actual Artifact Back
Technology Standard VI: Assistive Technology Understand human, equity and developmental issues surrounding the use of assistive technology to enhance student learning performance and apply that understanding to practice. Artifact Reflection Return to Technology Standards
Artifact: Technology Standard VI The artifact selected for Technology Standard VI: Assistive Technology is a set of two interactive graphic organizers designed for use with the Trickster Tales Lesson Plan. This project was completed for EDUC 415: Instructional Techniques for Inclusion. Actual Artifact Back
Technology Standard VII: Professional Growth Develop professional practices that support continual learning and professional growth in technology. Artifact Reflection Return to Technology Standards
Artifact: Technology Standard VII The artifact selected for Technology Standard VII: Professional Growth is a photo collage of pictures from an English 101 course designed for ESOL students that I taught at Salisbury University in the Fall of 2004. Actual Artifact Back