Nixon 1969-1974
“Law & Order”
Republican “Southern Strategy” “State’s rights”… Split working-class whites away from blacks New “Solid South” is Republican
End of New Deal Coalition
1968 Election
Review of Nixon’s Foreign Policy…
Nixon’s Domestic Policy “New Federalism” Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) “War on Drugs” begins 1973 Yom Kippur War OPEC Embargo Energy Crisis “Stagflation” Apollo 11 Moon landing Leak Scandals Pentagon Papers COINTELPRO Watergate
War on Drugs
Apollo 11
1973 Yom Kippur War
1970s Energy Crisis: OPEC Embargo
1970s Energy Crisis: Rationing
1970s Energy Crisis: Oil Prices
1970s Energy Crisis: Stagflation
Pentagon Papers Leak
The “Plumbers”
1972 Election
Watergate Hotel Burglary The Break-In
Patrick Grey Nixon-appointed director of the FBI Destroyed FBI documents into the burglary investigation
Woodward & Bernstein
John Dean White House counsel “Mastermind of the cover-up” Testifies against Nixon
Spiro Agnew Vice President Resigned for failure to pay income taxes
Watergate Tapes Click here for video
Sam Ervin & Senate Investigation
“Saturday Night Massacre” Archibald Cox, special prosecutor Elliot Richardson, Attorney General Fired William Ruckleshaus, Deputy Attorney General Resigned Resigned
All Alone…
U.S. v. Nixon, 1974 Supreme Court rejected Nixon’s claim of “executive privilege”
Resignation Nixon resigns
Ford’s Pardon Controversial decision Allowed the nation to “move on”
Distrust & Voter Apathy
“H2OGate Blues” + lyrics Gil Scott-Heron “H2OGate Blues” + lyrics