NDIA / USMC War Game 2006 “Adapting to Change” Cell 3 Outbrief
D. O. Sustainment Strong Points Weak Points Burn rates are predictable Pooled resources / assets belong to theater Training and experience of NCOs and JOs in field Weak Points Distributed supply for remote operators Future Automated Pull System is still in development How do you service and supply a distributed network vs. a single unit? Delivery – potential reliance on Air Support What is the distribution system? Handling and casualty procedures Priority of Resources
D. O. Sustainment (Cont) Capability Shortfalls Integrated sustainment with Joint / Inter operations Supply / Distribution of remote operators Situationally dependent – covert vs overt and METT Communications shortfalls
D. O. Sustainment (Cont) Recommendations Archived lessons learned from other forces / Afghan success story? Joint doctrine to address Battle Space Management Log Mod as advertised will adapt
MARSOC Strong Points MARSOC Knowledge, Skills, and Technology transfer to USMC / FMF MARSOC Knowledge, Skills, and Technology transfer to SOCOM and component services Enhanced Joint and MEUSOC Warfighting Capability Strong Intel / CI / Fire Support capability Enhancing SOF Presence - Force Multiplier for GWOT – Additional Assets and Capabilities
MARSOC Weak Points Standup and sustainment funding commitments – plan for shortfalls? Training Funds MILCON Shortfalls Personnel Lifecycle deployment and special compensation – pay scale and incentive disparity – re-enlistment, etc Command Relationships immature Undefined Mission Prioritization Aggressive Timeline – Risk of sacrifice / shortcuts to make FOC Personnel force structure Career Path Command Plan Short-term challenge due to capability transfer – USMC end strength Clearance (TS/SCI) requirement and plan to address
MARSOC (Cont) Capability Shortfalls Lack of organic aviation support and support infrastructure shortfalls (ex: 1 boat mechanic) Language limitation for planned operational deployment requirements Logistics Support and prepositioning required for MARSOC deployment Manpower requirement needed to staff MARSOC – high demand personnel Staffing to support SOCOM Component Command (Title 10) responsibilities Insufficient organic assets Boats / Maritime Air Ground SSN Lock-in / Lock-out
MARSOC (Cont) Recommendations Funding – Need to legislatively address remedies for long-term impacts of MARSOC – training, sustainment, personnel, etc – where’s the budget? Increase Force Structure – MARSOC and Backfill USMC Identify and Focus on Capability Gaps of SOCOM – What’s the requirement MARSOC will fill? Near-term and Long-term plan Develop Joint Doctrine for Integration of MARSOC into SOCOM, while retaining conventional / traditional MEUSOC capabilities Long-term educational training plan integrated with SOCOM and USMC Stand-up SOF Greybeard Panel to leverage legacy lessons learned from other services from SOCOM stand-up