1 Discipline Without Delay What You Need to Know 2009 All Rights Reserved.
2 Confirming our Commitment Parents and the public deserve to know their children are learning in a safe, orderly environment In 2007, AFT-West Virginia and WVSSPA surveyed the public and school employees on this critical issue
3 School Employees And the Public Are in Sync 58% of public disagrees that schools are safer today than they were 10 years ago. 58% of teachers and other school employees call student misbehavior a significant problem Their Views on Safety/Discipline: School Public Employees 58% A majority are dissatisfied The poll of the public was conducted in January 2007, and the poll of school employees were taken in October 2007.
4 The Consequences of Student Misbehavior When polled, more than 1 out of 3 teachers estimated that up to 20% of instructional time is lost due to disruptive behavior 92% of school employees said that bullying is a problem at their school or on their bus
5 The Safe Schools Act Originally passed by the West Virginia Legislature in 1995 AFT-WV and WVSSPA successfully lobbied legislators in 2008 to strengthen the law
6 What You Need to Know About the Law
7 Reasons for Exclusion A student can be excluded from the classroom or the bus for: abusing or threatening a fellow student or a school employee disobeying a school employee using profane or abusive language toward a school employee, or interfering with an orderly educational process
8 Once a Student Is Excluded It is the job of the principal not the teachers or bus operators to inform the parent of this action After 1st exclusion, the student cannot be returned until the principal gives written certification to the teacher or bus operator This certification form explains the specific disciplinary action that was taken
9 After the 2nd Exclusion Once again, the principal informs the parent that his/her child was excluded from class or the bus When there are 2 exclusions during the same semester, this triggers a 3-step process that is carefully outlined in the law
10 Step 1: A Conference A conference is required by law before a disruptive student can be readmitted The following persons participate in this conference: –Teacher or bus operator –Principal (or designee) –Parent/guardian of the student
11 Step 2: Agreement on a Course of Discipline The teacher/bus operator and principal discuss and reach agreement on a course of discipline to take for this student The parent of the disruptive student is informed of the course of discipline that will be implemented
12 Step 3: Written Certification The principal provides written certification to the teacher or bus operator a document that is completed before the student is readmitted This document explains the specific disciplinary action that was taken
13 What About the Written Certification Document? This is an important document keep a copy for your records If you arent given a personal copy of it, request a photocopy of the original document If your request for a copy is ignored, contact AFT-WV immediately
14 If You Dont Receive Written Certification Ask again for a copy of it If the principal insists that you readmit a student without giving you this form, accept the student, but then Contact AFT-WV right away in this case, your principal is violating state law
15 How LSICs Can Lead the Way to Better Discipline
16 What Is an LSIC? Created by state law Each W.V. public school must have a Local School Improvement Council Each LSIC has 11 to 13 members
17 Who Serves on the LSIC? Principal 3 teachers Bus operator School service employee 3 parents of students enrolled there 2 at-large members (public/business) Student only if the school serves students in grade 7 or higher Vocational director (if applicable)
18 How Are They Chosen? Principal 3 teachers Bus operator School service employee 3 parents of students enrolled there 2 at-large members* (public/business) Student if the school serves students in grade 7 or higher Vocational director (if applicable) Must be elected by their peers * – appointed by principal
19 A Major Role for Each LSIC Article 5A gives the LSIC at each school new authority to monitor discipline policies Each LSIC prepares a report to the county superintendent that grades the fairness and consistency of disciplinary actions at the school
20 Preparing Its Report Each LSIC should: –Collect information such as copies of the written certification forms that each principal is required to provide –Survey school employees on their perceptions of how well discipline policy is being enforced –Review the schools discipline code Students names should be blacked out in all documents to preserve their confidentiality
21 If the LSICs Report Raises Concern About Discipline The county superintendent (or designee) is required to respond in writing to the LSIC within 10 days Each county school board must retain and file all reports so members of the public can review it
22 How Else Can LSICs Be a Positive Influence? By law, each LSIC is required each year to conduct a meeting to engage parents, students, school employees and other interested parties in a positive and interactive dialogue regarding effective discipline policies Each LSIC is directed to meet with the county school board to discuss discipline and other issues.
23 What Can You Do? Everyone Has a Role to Play Consider serving on your schools LSIC, or if not: Know who your LSIC members are Closely follow the work of your LSIC Attend LSIC meetings or ask for a copy of the minutes Make sure your LSIC is meeting at least once every 9 weeks
24 LSICs & the 9-Weeks Rule State law requires each LSIC to meet at least once every nine weeks If you dont think your LSIC is doing so, ask an administrator for a copy of the minutes from the most recent LSIC meeting If you need support in this area, contact your local AFT president or staff rep
25 An Ounce of Prevention Through an AFT-WV program, teachers and staff can enhance their classroom management skills contact us for more info Urge your principal to work cooperatively with you and AFT to strengthen your schools professional development in the area of discipline
26 A Local Tool-Kit
27 Whats in the Tool-Kit? 1.Q & A pamphlet 2.Discipline Without Delay slide presentation 3.Did You Know? palm card to be circulated by building reps
28 Whats in the Tool-Kit? 5.Discipline Without Delay resolution it can be submitted to your school board, your LSICs and your local labor council 6.A copy of the Bill of Rights and Responsibilities 7.A Guide to the WV Safe Schools Act (10-page booklet)
29 Questions? Concerns? Comments?