8th Grade Classroom Discipline Plan Ocean View Hills School 8th Grade Classroom Discipline Plan
Welcome Back Happy NEW “school” Year! This year will definitely be a memorable year! 2012-2013
Upcoming Fieldtrips Bowling/Arcade 8th
Boomer’s or Knott’s 8th
8th Grade FORMAL
Accountability In order to attend these great activities you must have: great attendance, behavior, and grades.
Rules Be on time (7:50 AM) Bring materials to class and be ready to learn. Follow directions the first time they are given. Respect others, their belongings, and your surroundings. Use appropriate language and behavior at all times.
Positive Consequences Praise. Positive parent/guardian communication. Extra rewards and privileges free dress day/park
Negative Consequences Step 1. –Warning Step 2. -Referred to School Cops NOTE: A severe offense will result in an immediate referral. NOTE: Students with 2 or more D’s, any F’s, or more than one referral will be on the Loss of Privilege List for scheduled extracurricular activities, including athletic teams.
Grading Polices Everything students do in class counts toward the grade. Accuracy, completeness, neatness and effort are all considered in assigning a grade. Grades are earned according to students’ performance in all areas.
Absences Accountable for missing work. Call friends, look at blog, facebook
Awards Awards are given out at the end of the year for those who excel in various areas: -Academic Excellence- History/Science/Algebra/Language Arts/History/AVID San Ysidro Women’s Club- 100.00 Ms. Ferguson Science/Math Award- 100.00 & 50.00 -other awards are also given for GPAs and Attendance by the State of California, OVHS, and School Administration.
Promotional Certificate GPA: 2.0 (includes 7th & 8th grade) Minimum of 33 credits by the end of 8th grade - 7th and 8th grade = 36 possible credits 1 class = 1 credit - Behavior: 2 referrals max Note: Six classes a trimester. Six trimesters total. (6x6=36 classes)
Attendance Certificate Minimum attendance = 90% school enrollment days (No more than 17 days absent!) GPA is below a 2.0 (combined 7th/8th) Note: 3 Tardies = 1 absence **Do not miss school more than 1 day every two weeks! Make doctor appointments after school!
Failure to meet the Promotional Certificate requirements… will result in ONLY receiving an Attendance Certificate and not attending the Promotion
Believe in Yourself Let’s Make this a positive and exciting New School Year! Learn how to balance your school responsibilities and your social life. Know your priorities.