Can add photos if you like My XXXX’s Life Can add photos if you like
This is my XXXX. Could include photos of when he/she is younger i.e., throughout her life.
XXXX loved… Things linked strongly to memory of individual
XXXX was sick with XXXX. You may choose to label his/her illness- its better to be specific where you can as there are lots of different degrees of sickness that do not result in death.
XXXX was very sick. XXXX died. She/He is not asleep XXXX was very sick. XXXX died. She/He is not asleep. She/He can’t talk, eat, drink or breath. (it might be worthwhile having a photo representing each of these states with a no sign)
We had a funeral to say goodbye. Photo of funeral or service. Could include a sentence about your religious/spiritual beliefs here if you wish.
My family. Optional - a nice way to end with a sense of family – would include photos of members of family who are present in the individuals life