MODERN MObility, Development and Energy use ReductioN Civitas Plus Craiova city
Program Civitas Plus - Mision Increasing quality of life in cities by reducing pollution (CO2 emissions) generated by transport Reducing the dependence on gasoline and diesel Implementation of measures to reduce energy consumption Respect for the environment
Participants MODERN Type of participants Public administrations - Townhalls Public Transport Companies Research Organizations Universities NOGs SMEs 22 Partenes 4 Cities from Europe Craiova, Romania - 3 partners Brescia, Italia – 4 partners Vitoria, Spania – 5 partners Coimbra, Portugalia – 6 partners 4 partners for horizontal actions Belgia – 2 partners Italia – 2 partners Craiova Municipality coordinates the MODERN project Brescia Vitoria Gasteiz Coimbra Craiova
General considerations The implementation of the MODERN project co-funded by the European Commission should increase the overall quality of life in our cities, through the reduction of traffic congestion, reduction of air pollution and noise generated by traffic, implementation of energy saving measures, and promotion of a less car dependent style of life. The achievement of these objectives is in line with the Community targets for the year 2020: a 20% overall share of energy from renewable sources, at least a 10% share of renewable sources in transport, 20% improvement of energy efficiency and a 20% reduction in green house gases. The MODERN project objectives are fully in line with the Green Paper on Urban Mobility (GPUM) and the Action Plan on Urban Mobility (APUM). MODERN
Objectives (1/2) To increase the quality and the effectiveness of the public transport system (from the environmental and from the service point of view), increasing the number of users; To limit the waste of energy and to support the diffusion of the use of clean fuels among the citizens; To support the effort of improvement of public transport through a series of measure capable of limiting the circulation of private cars;
Objectives (2/2) To give value at alternative sweet mobility modes improving safety and liveableness for their users; To lower the number of accidents on the roads; To increase the technological endowment of the cities as a support to more and more intelligent mobility management policies and as a service to citizens; To diffuse as much as possible the culture of an environmental sustainable mobility among citizens and to increase the social awareness of the vital importance of these themes.
Craiova – Specific actions (1) 1.Alternative fuels and clean vehicles in terms of the environment and energy efficiency 1.Biodiesel powered buses 2.trams operate effectively with reduced energy consumption 2.Collective transport and its integration into other transport alternative 1.Planning the extension of routes around the city 2.integrating e-ticketing system on trams and buses 3.Management strategies: flexible access to downtown using maxi-taxi MODERN
Craiova – Specific actions (2) 4.Mobility management, marketing, information and education to correlate the transportation contracts between large companies and public transport company (RAT) and using of software for operational maps to get a flexible and fast employees transport 5.Safe, solid and efficient means of travel by creation of a public transport monitoring center and endowment of buses and trams with surveillance cameras and GPS MODERN
Craiova – Specific actions(3) 6.A lifestyle less dependent on own car by new mobility services 7.Urban freight logistics, new concepts for a better distribution 1.Creating a basic plan for a logistics hub - special bus and tram stations and a transportation program for the 4 hypermarkets built in Craiova 8.Innovative telematic systems for traffic management-applications Galileo 1.GPS applications - info-mobility tool for data collection and management, rapid transit bus line, preferential rules of traffic lights MODERN
What is the Craiova Municipality doing to achieve the targets? To develop new local legislative and non- legislative actions in order to cut CO2 emissions and to reduce oil dependence, but also to improve urban mobility trough the implementation of: the Renewable Framework Directive which includes a mandatory target of 10% renewable energies share of all transport fuels by 2020 the Fuel Quality Directive 2003/17/EC (amending 98/70/EC) which proposes to enable the ethanols concentration in petrol up to 10 vol %; and a reduction of the CO2 intensity of all fuels by 1% annually the Directive on the promotion of clean and energy efficient road transport vehicles which aims to promote the market introduction of clean and energy efficient vehicles. a new culture for urban mobility measures for energy efficiency To reduce noise from goods supply; better organization of freight distribution Optimization of the use of private cars; traffic restrictions and green zonesMODERN
Measures to be applied in Craiova Motto: A better life for people by using alternative fuels Transportation activities release in the atmosphere around 33% CO2 as result of fossil fuel combustion. The replacing of fossil fuels with biodiesel is one of the fighting solutions against global warming without loss of engine performance and without engine changes. M Alternative fuels in Craiova Fuelling station
Measures to be applied in Craiova Motto: Clean fleets for a clean air and a health life" The great number of vehicles represents one of the major pollution sources in the urban areas. We need to have in the city a clean public transport system that must offer favorable transport condition and friendly with the environment. New technologies for buses meet all these expressed needs. M Transition towards clean fleets in Craiova
Measures to be applied in Craiova Motto:Save ourselves by energy saving We enjoyed when cars, trains, planes entered in our life, now we have to think how we can make them less aggressive for people, for environment, for planet's health. M Energy saving on tramline in Craiova
Measures to be applied in Craiova E-ticketing is helping to cut fraud and enhance travelers experience, while enabling mass transit operators to roll out new revenue generating services. Across the globe, to contactless ticketing is replacing the classic systems. Using e-ticketing technology, passengers can now board buses and trams quickly and simply. M Integrated e-ticketing system in Craiova
Measures to be applied in Craiova M / ACCESS RESTRICTION POLICIES IN CRAIOVA Motto:A strong heart for our city- settlement for future generations In Craiova, as in the most cities, the traffic volume has increased much in the recent years and the trend is still growing. Accessibility as a relatively new concept in city life is an essential element that provides mobility and comfort to people. The specific objectives of this measure are: To create a free of pollutant emissions, zone in Craiova centre (magenta circle delimited). To give free access for the pedestrians (tourists, visitors, citizens), a place where people spend time and make shopping. To define a proper configuration of the public transport service and network to serve the new access restricted area
Measures to be applied in Craiova Motto: Urban mobility-less cars and more clean air in the city Employees transport represents a major component of the transport system in urban areas. A special public transportation service for this segment of the population represents an alternative to the transport with private cars and also a solution to increase urban mobility. The main objective of this measure is to optimize the city traffic considering the best routes for employees transport system and to extend it by implementing a software based on digital maps and equipping the buses with on-board equipment to optimise routes and service. M / SOFTWARE TOOLS FOR MOBILITY MANAGEMENT ACTIONS IN INDUSTRIAL AREAS IN CRAIOVA
Measures to be applied in Craiova M /PUBLIC TRANSPORT SECURITY PROGRAM IN CRAIOVA Motto: Always here for you to travel safely Public transport is a complex and multifaceted system. A critical element in this system is fraudulent and antisocial behavior of some passengers. The purpose of this measure is to oversee the transport of passengers and increase safety in public transport so that it becomes attractive to all categories of passengers indifferent of the travel route, area or time. The system to be applied consists of cameras mounted in 5 stations, 10 buses and 5 trams and communications equipment that will transmit images and information from sites monitored to the police center.
Measures to be applied in Craiova M /FLEXIBLE SERVICES FOR INDUSTRIAL AREAS IN CRAIOVA Motto: Give extra value to time and mobility of people Craiova has several forms of public transportation, but these are not enough flexible; to reach industrial zones on the citys periphery there are several solutions - buses (at large intervals of time or just during peak hours), taxi or collective taxi-but not enough accepted by the people. The main objective is to optimise the transport for specific users (like big plants, factories of Craiova), setting up due parking and one flexible transport facilities centre.
Measures to be applied in Craiova M / POLICY OPTION FOR FREIGHT DISTRIBUTION SCHEMES IN CRAIOVA Motto: Leave the city to breathe and we, together with it Urban areas are concentrated activity centers that require large amounts of goods to function. For the freight distribution mostly road vehicles are used. As result of development the central areas as focus point of urban activities, are unable to deal with high-intensity traffic flows. The object is to initiate an incentive system for using non polluting cars for freight distribution in centre free air pollution zone. This incentive system will permit : free access in the zone for electric cars; Euro % entrance fee, Euro % entrance fee, Euro % entrance fee, Euro % entrance fee, Non Euro - entire entrance fee, for pay. The entrance fee will be established by the municipal local council.
Measures to be applied in Craiova M / INFOMOBILITY TOOLS FOR FLEET MANAGEMENT IN CRAIOVA Motto: Good management means less stress and more time for us The most basic function in all fleet management systems is the vehicle tracking component and all kind of aspects relating to a company's fleet of vehicles. Details such as mileage and fuel consumption are gathered into a global statistics scheme. Endowing of 90 buses and 30 trams with GPS system and for 20 stations digital real time information panels these will be achieved through this measure. The system will set exactly the frequency of public transport means being determinant in selection of public transport by passengers, reducing considerable the use of private cars in the city.
Measures to be applied in Craiova M / PRIORITY TRAFFIC LIGHT REGULATION FOR PT IN CRAIOVA Motto: Green light to save time The high density of vehicles in traffic produces stressful effects on the drivers, pedestrians and passengers, as a result of the ever more frequent traffic jams. In recent years more and more attention has been given to the public transportation in urban areas, to minimize the negative impact it produces on. The paradox is that we need in daily activities of mobility, speed and efficiency. The main objective of this measure is to create in the Craiova city a system for granting preferential priority for trams to reduce travel time between the ends of a route. Within this measure the most important traffic light plant of the city will be equipped to support priority and will be applied to trams.
We are the MODERN team
Kick off meeting Craiova October , 2009
Project Coordinator: Gabriel Vladut ; Site Coordinator: Dorel Popa