Strong and Weak acids Further (Flightpath C&B): Recall examples of strong and weak acids. Describe how an acid or alkali can be concentrated or dilute. Describe how an acid or alkali can be weak or strong. Challenge Flightpath A): Explain the difference between concentration and strong or weak in terms of acids and alkalis. Use ionic equations to explain how acids can be strong or weak. Quantatively explain how the concentration of hydrogen ions relates to the pH number.
Classify as strong or weak acids Hydrochloric acid Citric acid Ethanoic acid Sulphuric acid Nitric acid Try to write balanced symbol equations to illustrate the ionisation when the acid is in solution
Comparing acids Test tube 1 - Add 3cm3 hydrochloric acid. Add a few drops of universal indicator, determine the pH. Test tube 2 - Repeat for ethanoic acid. Test tube 3 - Add 3cm3 hydrochloric acid. Add ½ spatula sodium carbonate powder. Observe Test tube 4 – Repeat for ethanoic acid.