Charlemagne…. Was He Great?
1. What does the word “great” mean. 2 1. What does the word “great” mean? 2. What are some qualities that make someone a great leader? List them out.
Who Was Charlemagne? King of the Franks The Franks lived in what is now France He created one of the first unified, powerful kingdoms after the Fall of Rome He one of the first Kings to be Christian France
Charlemagne the Great? Charlemagne means “Charles the Great” in Latin He conquered many other tribes (and their lands) in Europe, expanding his Kingdom Charlemagne gained power through: Conquering other tribes Spreading Christianity “By the sword and the cross!”
Charlemagne the Holy? Was crowned King by the Pope Who was the Pope?! This meant no one could question Charlemagne’s authority as King The Pope gave me my power! You better not question me- or you are questioning his Holiness, the Pope!!!
Charlemagne’s Coronation Pope Charlemagne
Charlemagne the Terrifying? Charlemagne gave people he conquered a choice: Convert to Christianity or be killed.
Charlemagne’ Success/Failures Sheet 1. Talk to your desk partner and determine who is in charge of successes, who is in charge of failures 2. Read independently- label sentences with a C (cultural), R (religious), or M (military)- ask your partner only if you need help Charlemagne’s Kingdom at its largest
Charlemagne’s Success/Failures Sheet 3. Share and review your markings with your desk partner- talk through these with your partner! Do not just copy! This is important later!
Our Question for Today: Was the Frankish King, Charlemagne, the great leader that his name implies?
Look for the evidence 4. what piece of information provides the strongest evidence that Charlemagne was a great king? Label it! 5. What piece of information provides the strongest evidence that Charlemagne was not a great king? Label it!
Compare to Yesterday’s Article 6. Compare your graphic organizer to your article from yesterday… Circle information that is shared between your success/failures sheet AND your article
Write Your Claim A Claim is your argument, or main idea Your claim today is either: “I think that Charlemagne was a great king” or “I do not think that Charlemagne was a great king.”
Build your evidence sentence to support your claim- 5 components Building an evidence sentence: 1. Source/Name 2. Details about the source 3. Reporting verb (see poster) 4. evidence 5. interpretation of evidence- what does the evidence mean, or tell us?
Evidence Sentences Source Details about the source Reporting Verb Mrs. Collins, a cat owner, reports that her cat cuddles with her everyday- this is a sign of a loving pet. Interpretation of evidence Evidence
Claim + Evidence Sentence: Cats make wonderful pets. Mrs. Collins, a cat owner, reports that her cat cuddles with her every day- this is a sign of a loving pet.
Charlemagne evidence sentences I think that Charlemagne was a great king. ____(source)___ , __(details about the source)_, _________evidence___________. This shows __________interpretation/analysis_________. (how does this prove Charlemagne was or was not a great king?)