“Reinstating Corporeality: Feminism and Body Politics” By: Janet Wolff Week 12 Presentation Stephanie Peck and Edited By: Laura Pratt and Dr. Kay Picart
Body Discourses Preexisting meanings of female body How do women experience oppression? Preexisting meanings of female body ________________ Internalization of the-
Indirectly Experiencing the Body Judeo-Christian belief system Epistemological foundation Demonization of physical in post-Enlightenment thought Baconian “rape” of nature _______________________________________
Body Types Classical body Docile body Grotesque body ________________ _________________ Grotesque body _______________ __________________
Transgression and the Female Other “Monsterous-feminine” archetype (Julia Kristeva) ______________________ Maternal-as-monstrous _________________________ Proximity results in fractured psyche _____________________- ________________
Dance as Subversive Classical dancer upholds ___________ body type Modern dancer important in upholding ___________ body types and creating narrative space for strong/ threatening women
Works Cited Texts Halberstam, Judith. Skin Shows. New York; Columbus. 1995. “My Perogative.” Spears video. Psycho. Dir. Hitchcock Wolff, Janet. “Reinstating Corporeality: Feminism and body Politics.” MM. Course Library.