Calisthenics: Write your name, date and HR on a new sheet of paper DO NOT WRITE THE QUESTION 1. What was the Egyptian language and what did they write.


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Presentation transcript:

Calisthenics: Write your name, date and HR on a new sheet of paper DO NOT WRITE THE QUESTION 1. What was the Egyptian language and what did they write on? 2. What is a social class? 3. Give an example of the US social class Homework: Complete the reverse side of your notes & study for your quiz tomorrow!

Quiz Tomorrow! The quiz will cover: Egyptian Geography River Valley Locate Egypt on a Map Locate Mesopotamia on a Map Egyptian Economics Be able to DEFINE the word economics Explain the Economic system of Egyptians Egyptian Writing Papyrus, Hieroglyphics vs. Cuneiform, Scribes etc. **Let’s see what classes FOOTBALL will move this week!

Fyi… At the end of October I will crown the Class Points winner for this month. 605 won the challenge in September….let’s see who can do it this month! Lot’s of points will be given today!

Egyptian Social Class

Rewind: Social whaaat? Social Class = group of people in society with the same income level or status

Egyptian Social Classes Priests and nobles Farmers Pharaoh Craftspeople and merchants Slaves Scribes and government officials

Class Zone

Scribes & Government Officials Pharoh Priests/Nobles Scribes & Government Officials Craftspeople and Merchants Farmers Laborers & Slaves

Pharaoh The ruler, or pharaoh was considered a god.

Priests/Nobles Priests an nobles are the powerful people in charge of religion and government.

Scribes & Government Officials Together they organized the government and kept it running smoothly.

Craftspeople & Merchants They produced and sold goods Egyptians needed.

Egyptian Farmers Worked the field to supply Egypt w/ foods and crops.

Laborers & Slaves These people did all the most difficult and dangerous work for Egyptian society. Slaves were people from other countries that had been taken captive in war


Women in Egypt Gender Roles Women’s primary job in both Sumer and Ancient Egypt was to take care of the children. In Egypt, women had almost equal rights. Women could own property and take other jobs, like weaving. There were also some famous women Pharaohs, including Hatshepsut and Cleopatra.

T/F REVIEW! Slaves in Sumer had no rights Slaves in Ancient Egypt could buy their freedom. The job of most women in Sumer and Ancient Egypt was to take care of the children. Women in Ancient Egypt had less rights than women in Sumer. There were no women Pharaohs. Women in Egypt could own land.

T/F Continued…. The biggest Social Class in Ancient Egypt was the scribes. The biggest social class in Ancient Egypt was the laborers and slaves. Landowners in Mesopotamia were in the lowest class. In Sumer, famers and artisans were in the middle class.

T/F…AGAIN!!... In Egypt, merchants were higher in the social hierarchy than scribes. In Egypt, farmers were lower in the social hierarchy than craftspeople and merchants. In Egypt, priests and nobles were at the same level as the Pharaoh. In Egypt, scribes and government officials were at the same level.