Accuracy vs. Reproducibility Accuracy – how close a measurement is to the true value. Reproducibility- how close a group of measurements are to each other. Scientists aim for both accuracy and reproducibility To ensure accuracy, you need to make sure you take measurements carefully using appropriate tools or instruments. To ensure reproducibility, you need to repeat the measurements a few times.
Accurate vs. Reproducible Neither accurate nor reproducible Reproducible but not accurate Both reproducible and accurate
Examples: 3 Students measure Mrs. Easley’s height. They get 62 cm, 61.5 cm, and 62.3 cm. Her actual height is 157.5 cm. Accurate, reproducible, neither, or both?
Example 2 3 Students measure the distance a toy car moves in 5 seconds. The distances they measure are 48 cm, 152 cm, and 2 cm. The actual distance was 80 cm. Accurate, reproducible, neither, or both?
Example 3 Students measured the boiling point of water. They measured 100 C, 100.5 C and 99.5 C. The boiling point of water is 100 C. Accurate, reproducible, neither or both?