Narratology (Structural) Theory
Diagesis Diagetic narrative: presents interior view of a world Telling, recounting Narrator presents actions (sometimes thoughts) of characters
Mimesis Mimetic texts show or enact Musicals or plays are often mostly mimetic Dialogue is mimetic
Assumptions There is a difference between story and plot Texts tend to build up/break down patterns we can use to help interpret Analyzing the way a story is told helps us reveal a story’s meaning Who tells a story deeply influences our understanding of literature
What To Do Analyze structural elements such as chapters, parts, epigraphs, etc. Examine treatment of time such as use of flashback and/or non-linear storyline Look at who is telling the story. How does narrator’s involvement affect text? Is the text mimetic or diagetic? (to what effect?) Explore amount of stories told. Is there a “frame” and “embedded” story? Examine contrasts/parallels and weight given each part of story
What does analysis of the text’s form reveal about its meaning? Big Question What does analysis of the text’s form reveal about its meaning?