KQ: Are we suffering from information overload? Explain why sociologists say that the mass media is an important agency of social change Evaluate whether technological change is positive or negative Key terms: technological change, agency of social change, information overload, hyperreality, culture of simulation Starter - Looking at these pictures, what do you think is meant by the phrase “Information overload”? Write your answer on your whiteboard.
What are the key differences between old and new forms of media? TIF: How has the effect on us changed?
Recap! What were the effects of mass media that we looked at last lesson?
Summarise each concept in no more than 15 words per concept Summarise each concept in no more than 15 words per concept. TIF: Add the names of sociologists linked with this theory. Which concept do you most agree with? Explain your answer (you could choose more than one). In what ways has technological change affected the way we are affected by the mass media? TIF: Is it easier or harder for the public to be politically socialised now compared with 20 years ago? Explain your answer. Hypodermic syringe Uses and gratifications Decoding Secondary socialisation Identity Political socialisation
Agency of social change: influencing social attitudes and government policy Did you know? Publishers of the first books were motivated by religious reform. They wanted people to have an immediate and personal contact with God. Why do sociologists argue that the development of communication is the most important agency of social change?
The mass media as an agency of social change The mass media are one of the secondary agencies of socialisation. They are part of the way individuals learn about the social world beyond the immediate (primary) influence of the parents. The mass media can offer alternative answers to some of the questions that we may ask ourselves beyond the immediate circle of our family and friends. What does it mean to be a man or a woman in the modern world? How should we behave towards others? What can we aspire to achieve? Obviously our family, our peer groups, our school or college will all have a powerful formative influence on our aspirations and our behavior. However, above and beyond this the mass media present us with powerful images that dominate our waking moments. Some people argue that the media have a responsibility to represent the social world in such a way that they avoid biased or stereotypical representations of reality. However, it is still the case that much of what we see in the media, particularly on television or in films, relies heavily on stereotypes and exaggerated representations of the social world.
Hands up if… You feel lost without your mobile phone You check your mobile phone at least once an hour You check facebook at least once a day You send at least one instant message a day (e.g. text, facebook, MSN messenger, blackberry)
Are we suffering from information overload? We live in a world where people are instantly available and instant communication continues 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In the past communication was time consuming and expensive so people thought carefully before contacting each other. Consider the following…… How many of your telephone conversations, texts and emails are really necessary? Is it not a burden that that you cant get away from family, friends or employers? Apples & Pears! Apples – argue that we are suffering from information overload Pears – argue that we are not suffering from information overload. TIF – can you use the terms active and passive? Can you use the terms functionalist and marxist?
KQ: How has new media influenced the way we live? L.O: Explain the ways in which audiences can relate to the new mass media Key terms: hyperreality, propaganda Do you think the internet is a good or a bad thing? Justify your answer on your mini whiteboard 5
The internet – danger or opportunity? Do you have unsupervised access to the internet? Do your younger siblings have unsupervised access to the internet? List the dangers of the internet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cV1ZCF4oueQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThxmgXMBpoM http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/kidsonline/view/ Do the opportunities offered by the internet outweigh the dangers? Give reasons for your answer. 10
Watch the clips and explain the meaning of the keyword. What is a hyper reality? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSfKlCmYcLc Watch the clips and explain the meaning of the keyword. Why might a hyper reality appeal to people who feel alienated in every day life? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiiUTv98kOs 10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jS4CzcoUMWo
Social networking sites – reality?
Some sociologists have suggested that relatively new forms of communications technology have completely swamped people with information. They have become overloaded with ideas and images, to such an extent that the difference between reality and images of reality has begun to breakdown, creating a form of alternative reality or hyperreality. In other words, some people appear to be unable to distinguish between what they see on television and encounter in the virtual world of the internet, and the everyday world of lived experience. We are creating a culture of simulation. People who feel alientated from people in the real world begin to place great value on what they see on the television This is one explanation for the popularity of soap operas or reality television programmes like The Only Way is Essex.
Over to you! Capture what you have learned this lesson in 50 – 100 words. You must include: Hyper- reality Culture of simulation Alienation TIF: How does social networking link with a culture of simulation?
Copy and complete this table Development in technology What the term means What the development means for the consumer Digitalization Interactivity Convergence The internet Multi-channel television, ability to record, remind, select shows Consumer is actively choosing what to watch & when “Pressing the red button” to interact with shows e.g. vote, get further info Consumer is actively taking part in a show/accessing further info Lots of forms of multimedia in one product e.g. smart phones Easier access to information at any time, in any place p.192 Access to a huge amount of information, although not necessarily accurate World wide wireless access to information through multimedia
Development in technology What the development means for the consumer What the term means What the development means for the consumer Digitalization Interactivity Convergence The internet p.192
Active audience Passive audience Hypodermic syringe Uses and gratifications Decoding Secondary socialisation Identity Political socialisation
Testing key terms Define these key terms: Agency of social change Hyperreality Hypodermic needle theory Passive consumers Active consumers