1) Summarize the artist’s point of view.


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Presentation transcript:

1) Summarize the artist’s point of view. 2) Provide one piece of evidence that would support the artist’s point of view. 3) Provide one piece of evidence that would refute the artist’s point of view.

Urbanization & Industrialization The gilded age Urbanization & Industrialization

Definitions Industrialization – process of changing to a society based on the manufacture of goods. Urbanization – the process of changing to a society where most people live in cities.

Causes – new inventions Bessemer Process – cheaper and stronger steel. Electric light bulb – Thomas Edison; allowed people to work throughout the night.

Causes – natural resources Oil – power source for factory machines, later cars. Coal – power source; provided heat. Iron ore – used to make steel. Lots of land to produce food.

Causes – immigration Growing population in Europe – lack of opportunities. Famine in Ireland Religious persecution Immigrants provide a source of cheap labor for the new factories. Between 1870-1920: 20 million immigrants

Effects – populations shift New factories provided jobs in cities. People moved from the country farms to the urban factories. In 1870, 10 million people lived in cities; by 1920, 54 million people lived in cities.

Effects – poor living conditions Cities were crowded. Tenements – dirty, dangerous, crowded apartments. Poor conditions – Dirty water No trash service Fires DISEASES

Effects – labor conflicts Immigrants and factories workers faced long hours and poor pay. Dangerous conditions – average of 675 workers killed each week in 1882. No benefits – no breaks, vacations, insurance, etc.

Labor Unions Knights of Labor – skilled and unskilled workers – included all workers. American Federation of Labor – only skilled workers. International Workers of the World (IWW) – radical socialists/anarchists.

Busting the unions Employers used scabs (strike breakers) & yellow contracts (forced employees to sign oaths that they would not join a union). Haymarket Square Massacre (1886) Pullman Strike (1884) Homestead Strike (1892)

True (A) or false (B): during the Gilded Age, most immigrants worked on farms in rural communities.

Urbanization could best be defined as Increased mechanization of the agricultural industry. The growth of power labor unions. The process of changing to a society where most people live in cities. The mass movement of settlers to the Great Plains.

Analyze this image. What was the greatest cause of death of urban dwellers during the Gilded Age? Industrial accidents. Fire Crime Disease

Which of the following WAS NOT an important labor union during the Gilded Age? American Federation of Teachers IWW AFL Knights of Labor

What is the significance of the Haymarket Square Massacre? Galvanized public opinion in support of the labor movement. It marked the last time that the government used force against labor unions. Crippled public support for the Knights of Labor. It resulted in a great rights and protections for factory workers.