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Presentation transcript:

OUTREACH AND INTERACTION WITH BOARD OF MSFD EXPERTS EMODnet Chemistry III, first annual meeting 6-7 February 2018. Neil Holdsworth ICES, neilh@ices.dk

Afternoon menu MSFD stakeholders and MSFD Board of Experts (Neil, a little bit of Martin) Eutrophication products and tuning for MSFD needs (Marina) Contaminants products and tuning for MSFD needs (Giordano) Coffee  Black Sea needs and Feedback (Irina) UNEP-MAP needs and Feedback (?) Interaction with TG DATA and INSPIRE case studies Discussion and Questions (All) 12/7/2018

MSFD Board - recap After EMODnet II, RSC’s and MSFD stakeholders were asked in what form they would like to be associated with the next round Bring in RSC experts, Secretariats are overloaded so no capacity to be full partners 12/7/2018

MSFD Board - recap Expectations: ‘Advise’ on (suitable) products Monitor development of services (i.e. vocabs) Continuous dialogue By: Workshops, Bilateral dialogues At their meetings Providing technical input, use cases 12/7/2018

MSFD Board - recap 12/7/2018

Eutrophication Workshop (27th November 2018) Format: Online, short and focussed Summary, Presentations and Video LINK 12/7/2018

Eutrophication Workshop (27th November 2018) Focussed on assessment experts within RSC machinery Used pre-questionnaire to frame questions on current EMODnet Chemistry product suite Looked for specific feedback on the gaps in the products 12/7/2018

Eutrophication Workshop (27th November 2018) Fitness of parameters for Eutrophication assessment In the Baltic area, Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (DIN), Hydrogen Sulphide (as part of oxygen parameter) and Oxygen saturation are also used and desirable. The consistency of the selected parameters between sea regions was questioned, as it was noted that for example in some regions Nitrites and Nitrates were offered separately, and in some only as combined or only one of these. 12/7/2018

Eutrophication Workshop (27th November 2018) Spatial Resolution (Extent) of data products A general question was raised on the alignment of the sea regions to the MSFD process, and also on the overlap between sea regions. In this new phase, the official MSFD regions shape files will be applied by all regional product leaders, but with a buffer of 1 degree to overlap between the sea regions for greater harmonization and to avoid edge effects of the products. The need of products for marine sub-regions was also pointed out, as possible future implementation 12/7/2018

Eutrophication Workshop (27th November 2018) Vertical resolution: (HELCOM, OSPAR) Need an integrated surface layer (0-10 metres) which would combine the discrete depths 0, 5 and 10 metres. It would probably vary in other regions and so it should be defined by each regional product leader. In the Baltic, this would also be helpful for integrated Chlorophyll (one layer rather than split as it is now) For the Bottom depth layer – there was some discussion on the derivation of the definition of what constitutes a bottom layer (maybe within 10% of bottom depth) 12/7/2018

Eutrophication Workshop (27th November 2018) Temporal resolution (currently 10 year) Sweden used the 10 year dataset reference in their national Art 8 reporting for MSFD, but would prefer a 6 year running window Both OSPAR and HELCOM noted that some statisticians are suggesting to use annual products, rather than seasonal. However, for MSFD – need to use WFD definitions for harmonization i.e. productive vs non-productive (how specified for each region is this?) Given the above, both annual and seasonal products are relevant (and needed) 12/7/2018

Eutrophication Workshop (27th November 2018) Dynamic Time Series? Usefulness of Dynamic Time series OSPAR – useful for understanding variability of data Meta data/Discovery information OSPAR – DIVA needs more explaining i.e. what DIVA is doing without having to be an expert in DIVA It was noted that some experts were referencing EMODnet Chemistry portal generically, but were not considering the information provided in the metadata catalogue, therefore, there could be a greater use of this type of resource 12/7/2018

Eutrophication Workshop (27th November 2018) The Salinity Question? HELCOM/SWE/– Currently they would not be able to use the products directly for next assessment, without the availability of salinity fields, following discussion: OSPAR would prefer to have salinity as a separate data layer rather than integrated into a combined product; It is suggested to use SeaDataNet products for regional salinity (although products are currently available at different temporal resolution in comparison with EMODnet Chemistry and might have different regional boundary definitions). Coordination between EMODnet Chemistry and SeaDatanet product leaders is needed. 12/7/2018

Next: Contaminants Workshop Follow same mini-online workshop style Use questionnaire to prepare participants and frame questions End of March, details will be posted on EMODnet Chem news/events page as well as circulated 12/7/2018

OSPAR Eutrophication Martin attended the ICG EUT meeting to present EMODnet Chem products, and discuss the potential for EMODnet to provide specific products to their assessment Cautious enthusiasm… 12/7/2018

D8 mapping of substances to WISE, ICES and BODC lists EEA Interaction Data supply to Eutrophication and Contaminants thematic assessments (2017) TGDATA, both EMODnet and SeaDataNet standards feature heavily in the ‘art 19.3 recommendations on publication of datasets’ D8 mapping of substances to WISE, ICES and BODC lists Marine litter watch (to follow-up) 12/7/2018

EEA Interaction The beginning of the end? of the EIONET dataflow and shift to EMODnet/ICES dataflow for EEA indicators 12/7/2018

MSFD Board - recap 12/7/2018

WISE-Marine 2018 plans 12/7/2018

WISE-Marine 2018 plans Review of European map service information systems and selection of service to put forward to WISE-Marine. 12/7/2018