Flame Spectroscopy The method uses flame excitation Atoms are exited from the heat of the flame to emit light Exited atoms glow, emitting light at various wavelengths (therefore varies colors) Colors are detected by spectrophotometer which measures light intensity as a function of wavelength
F2Cl36H2O Spectra Mixed results Trial 2 and 3 show a more continuous spectrum indicating a black body while trial 1 was continuous with a large spike (?) Not really burning but absorbing the heat and melting quickly Emitted a red orange color while heated
NaCl Spectra Absorbed the heat not really burning, but melting Produced single spike around 590nm Emitted orangish color while heated Single spike, not continuous so not a black body
Mg Spectrum Best results of the sources Mg actually burned, and was a self sustained burn, emitting bright white light Spikes are due to atomic emission Mostly continuous meaning black body
LiCl Spectra Again not really burned but melted Emitted beautiful, very bright pinkish red color which shows up as the spike at about 670nm Not continuous therefore not a black body