Investments in Primary Care Evidence suggests strengthening primary care will lead to improved outcomes and lower costs. 2010-2014- OHIC required increase primary care spending by 1 %/year Friedberg et al., 2010
Transforming the Healthcare Delivery System The Affordability Standards transform the way primary care is delivered -- higher quality and lower cost care mutually reinforced by healthcare financing. Target: 80% of primary care practices contracting with each health insurer will be designated Patient Centered Medical Homes (PCMH) by the end of 2019 The Care Transformation Advisory Committee develops an annual plan for achieving this target Insurers are obligated to financially support PCMH practices
Aligning Quality Measures OHIC requires commercial insurers to use the same “Aligned Measure Sets” in any contract that has a financial incentive tied to quality. Core Measures standard in contracts. Any measure beyond the Core must be selected from the list of Menu Measures. Measure Sets 2018 Measures ACO 10 core, 49 menu Primary Care 6 core, 24 menu Hospital 8 core, 13 menu Maternity 2 core, 7 menu Mental Health 3 core, 11 menu Substance Use 1 core, 2 menu