Prejudice & Discrimination Pro-Social & Anti-Social Behavior
In-Group / Out-Group Bias If we believe that someone else is in a group to which we belong, we will have positive views of them and give them preferential treatment. Why do we think and behave this way? Examples: School rivalries, political parties, social cliques. Why do we think and behave this way? This works because we build our self-esteem through belonging, and the presence of someone from an in-group reminds us of that belonging. In-Group Bias
A Girl Like Me Video Clip
A Girl Like Me Do you agree with the idea that as overt prejudice wanes, subtle prejudice lingers? Provide examples. What part of this documentary stood out the most? Surprising? Shocking? Predicted? How do our social needs, emotions and our cognitions fuel prejudice ? Think of some examples. How do you explain the kids’ reactions to the “doll test?”
Prejudice & Discrimination Stereotypes: Overgeneralizations Example: Gay men are all effeminate. We develop stereotypes when we are unable or unwilling to obtain all of the information we would need to make fair judgments. Stereotype threat is the fear that one's behavior will confirm an existing stereotype of a group with which one identifies. This fear can sometimes affect performance. Prejudice: Unjustifiable beliefs; usually negative Example: believing that sexual or gender orientation makes one group inferior Discrimination: Action based on prejudice Example: Not hiring a gay man because of his sexual orientation