CONTENTS Preview 2-1 Expressing past time: the simple past 2-2 Forms of the simple past: regular verbs 2-3 Forms of the simple past: be 2-4 Regular verbs: pronunciation of –ed endings 2-5 Spelling of –ing and –ed forms 2-6 The principal parts of a verb 2-7 Irregular verbs: a reference list 2-8 The simple past and the past progressive 2-9 Forms of the past progressive 2-10 Expressing past time: using time clauses 2-11 Expressing past habit: used to
Alada rides the bus to work. CHAPTER 2: PREVIEW Alada rides the bus to work. Yesterday it rained and her clothes got wet. Today she is taking extra clothes to work.
Alada rides the bus to work. CHAPTER 2: PREVIEW Alada rides the bus to work. Yesterday it rained and her clothes got wet. Today she is taking extra clothes to work. PRESENT TENSE
Alada rides the bus to work. CHAPTER 2: PREVIEW Alada rides the bus to work. Yesterday it rained and her clothes got wet. Today she is taking extra clothes to work. PRESENT TENSE PAST TENSE
We graduated from college in 2007. 2-1 EXPRESSING PAST TIME: THE SIMPLE PAST We graduated from college in 2007.
THE SIMPLE PAST (a) Our family ate lunch outside yesterday. 2-1 EXPRESSING PAST TIME: THE SIMPLE PAST THE SIMPLE PAST (a) Our family ate lunch outside yesterday. (b) Adrianna studied English for six hours last Wednesday.
THE SIMPLE PAST (a) Our family ate lunch outside yesterday. 2-1 EXPRESSING PAST TIME: THE SIMPLE PAST THE SIMPLE PAST (a) Our family ate lunch outside yesterday. (b) Adrianna studied English for six hours last Wednesday. activities or situations SIMPLE PAST began and ended in past (yesterday, last night, in 2007)
THE SIMPLE PAST watch + ed = watched answer + ed = answered 2-1 EXPRESSING PAST TIME: THE SIMPLE PAST THE SIMPLE PAST (c) They watched the movie last night. (d) Alexandra answered the question yesterday. watch + ed = watched answer + ed = answered
THE SIMPLE PAST (e) We slept in tents at camp last summer. 2-1 EXPRESSING PAST TIME: THE SIMPLE PAST THE SIMPLE PAST (e) We slept in tents at camp last summer.
THE SIMPLE PAST (e) We slept in tents at camp last summer. 2-1 EXPRESSING PAST TIME: THE SIMPLE PAST THE SIMPLE PAST (e) We slept in tents at camp last summer. (f) I understood most of the directions yesterday. Irregular past: sleep slept understand understood eat ate
THE SIMPLE PAST (g) I was a lifeguard last summer. 2-1 EXPRESSING PAST TIME: THE SIMPLE PAST THE SIMPLE PAST (g) I was a lifeguard last summer. (h) They were in Belgium last month. Simple past forms of be was and were
We started school last week. 2-2 FORMS OF THE SIMPLE PAST: REGULAR VERBS We started school last week.
STATEMENT I-You-She-He-It-We-They started school last week. 2-2 FORMS OF THE SIMPLE PAST: REGULAR VERBS STATEMENT I-You-She-He-It-We-They started school last week.
STATEMENT NEGATIVE I-You-She-He-It-We-They started school last week. 2-2 FORMS OF THE SIMPLE PAST: REGULAR VERBS STATEMENT I-You-She-He-It-We-They started school last week. NEGATIVE I-You-She-He-It-We-They did not start school last week.
QUESTION SHORT ANSWER Did I-you-she-he-it-we-they 2-2 FORMS OF THE SIMPLE PAST: REGULAR VERBS QUESTION Did I-you-she-he-it-we-they start school last week? SHORT ANSWER Yes, I-you-she-he-it-we-they did. No, I-you-she-he-it-we-they didn’t.
She was sick last Monday. 2-3 FORMS OF THE SIMPLE PAST: BE She was sick last Monday.
STATEMENT I-She-He-It was home last week. 2-3 FORMS OF THE SIMPLE PAST: BE STATEMENT I-She-He-It was home last week. We-You-They were home last week.
STATEMENT NEGATIVE I-She-He-It was home last week. 2-3 FORMS OF THE SIMPLE PAST: BE STATEMENT I-She-He-It was home last week. We-You-They were home last week. NEGATIVE I-She-He-It was not home last week. We-You-They were not home last week.
QUESTION SHORT ANSWER Was I-she-he-it home last week? Were 2-3 FORMS OF THE SIMPLE PAST: BE QUESTION Was I-she-he-it home last week? Were we-you-they home last week? SHORT ANSWER Yes, I-she-he-it was. we-you-they were. No, I-she-he-it- wasn’t. we-you-they weren’t.
? They were at the movies last night at 8:00. 2-1, 2-2, 2-3 Let’s Practice They were at the movies last night at 8:00. ? is NEGATIVE STATEMENT: They _______ at the movies last night at 8:00. weren’t ACCURATE, AFFIRMATIVE STATEMENT: They ____ at the grocery store last night at 8:00. were
? This airplane was made in 1625. 1943 2-1, 2-2, 2-3 Let’s Practice This airplane was made in 1625. ? is 1943 NEGATIVE STATEMENT: This airplane ______ made in 1625. wasn’t ACCURATE, AFFIRMATIVE STATEMENT: This airplane ___ made in 1943. was
? Did Carla get a bad grade on her test? 2-1, 2-2, 2-3 Let’s Practice Did Carla get a bad grade on her test? ? get NEGATIVE STATEMENT: Carla ________ a bad grade on her test. Carla ________ an excellent grade on her test. didn’t get ACCURATE, AFFIRMATIVE STATEMENT: got
She talked to me for an hour. 2-4 REGULAR VERBS: PRONUNCIATION OF –ED ENDINGS She talked to me for an hour. talk/t/ talked
voiceless sound + -ed /t/ 2-4 REGULAR VERBS: PRONUNCIATION OF –ED ENDINGS (a) talked = talk/t/ stopped = stop/t/ hissed = hiss/t/ watched = watch/t/ washed = wash/t/ k pp voiceless sound + -ed /t/ examples: /k/ , /p/
voiceless sound + -ed /t/ 2-4 REGULAR VERBS: PRONUNCIATION OF –ED ENDINGS (a) talked = talk/t/ stopped = stop/t/ hissed = hiss/t/ watched = watch/t/ washed = wash/t/ ss ch sh voiceless sound + -ed /t/ examples: /k/ , /p/ , /s/ , /ch/ , /sh/
2-4 REGULAR VERBS: PRONUNCIATION OF –ED ENDINGS (b) called = call/d/ rained = rain/d/ lived = live/d/ robbed = rob/d/ stayed = stay/d/ ll n voiced sound + -ed /d/ examples: , /l/ /n/
2-4 REGULAR VERBS: PRONUNCIATION OF –ED ENDINGS (b) called = call/d/ rained = rain/d/ lived = live/d/ robbed = rob/d/ stayed = stay/d/ v bb y voiced sound + -ed /d/ , , , , examples: /l/ /n/ /v/ /b/ all vowel sounds
2-4 REGULAR VERBS: PRONUNCIATION OF –ED ENDINGS (c) waited = wait / d/ needed = need / d/ t e d e “t” or “d” + -ed / d/ e
2-4 Let’s Practice ? 1. /t/ 2. /d/ 3. / d/ behave__ e behaved
2-4 Let’s Practice 1. /t/ 2. /d/ 3. / d/ behave__ /d/ e behaved
2-4 Let’s Practice 1. /t/ 2. /d/ 3. / d/ ? plant___ e planted
2-4 Let’s Practice 1. /t/ 2. /d/ 3. / d/ plant___ / d/ e e planted
We are learning to speak English. 2-5 SPELLING OF –ING AND –ED FORMS We are learning to speak English.
-ing form: drop -e, add -ing -ed form: add -d 2-5 SPELLING OF –ING AND –ED FORMS END OF VERB DOUBLE THE CONSONANT? -e NO (a) smiled smile smiling hoped hoping hope -ing form: drop -e, add -ing -ed form: add -d
help helped helping learned learn learning add -ing add -ed (b) 2-5 SPELLING OF –ING AND –ED FORMS END OF VERB DOUBLE THE CONSONANT? Two Consonants NO (b) help helped helping learned learn learning Two consonants add -ing add -ed
Two vowels + one consonant 2-5 SPELLING OF –ING AND –ED FORMS END OF VERB DOUBLE THE CONSONANT? Two Vowels + One Consonant NO (c) rained rain raining heated heat heating Two vowels + one consonant add -ing add -ed
stop stopped stopping planned planning plan add -ing add -ed (d) 2-5 SPELLING OF –ING AND –ED FORMS ONE-SYLLABLE VERBS END OF VERB DOUBLE THE CONSONANT? One Vowel + One Consonant YES (d) stop stopped stopping planned planning plan Double the consonant and add -ing add -ed
visit visited visiting offered offer offering add -ing add -ed (e) 2-5 SPELLING OF –ING AND –ED FORMS TWO-SYLLABLE VERBS END OF VERB DOUBLE THE CONSONANT? One Vowel + One Consonant NO (e) visit visited visiting offered offer offering add -ing First syllable stressed add -ed
prefer preferring preferred admit admitting admitted add -ing add -ed 2-5 SPELLING OF –ING AND –ED FORMS TWO-SYLLABLE VERBS END OF VERB DOUBLE THE CONSONANT? One Vowel + One Consonant YES (f) prefer preferring preferred admit admitting admitted add -ing Second syllable stressed, double the consonant add -ed
-y play playing played enjoy enjoying enjoyed vowel + -y keep the -y 2-5 SPELLING OF –ING AND –ED FORMS END OF VERB DOUBLE THE CONSONANT? -y NO (g) play playing played enjoy enjoying enjoyed vowel + -y keep the -y
-y worry worrying worried study studying studied consonant + -y (h) 2-5 SPELLING OF –ING AND –ED FORMS END OF VERB DOUBLE THE CONSONANT? -y NO (h) worry worrying worried study studying studied consonant + -y -y + -ing -i + -ed -y
-ie die dying died tie tying tied -ie add -d (i) -y + -ing END OF VERB 2-5 SPELLING OF –ING AND –ED FORMS END OF VERB -ie (i) die dying died tie tying tied -ie -y + -ing add -d
rain raining -ING form ________ -ED form ________ rained 2-5 Let’s Practice rain -ING form ________ raining -ED form ________ rained
study studying -ING form _________ -ED form _________ studied 2-5 Let’s Practice study studying -ING form _________ -ED form _________ studied
lying -ING form _____ lie -ED form _____ lied 2-5 Let’s Practice Please don’t lie to me!
2-6 THE PRINCIPAL PARTS OF A VERB They became friends.
Simple Form No final –s, –ed, or –ing 2-6 THE PRINCIPAL PARTS OF A VERB SIMPLE FORM Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs finish hope try see sing go Simple Form No final –s, –ed, or –ing
SIMPLE PAST Simple Past –ed for regular verbs Regular Verbs 2-6 THE PRINCIPAL PARTS OF A VERB SIMPLE PAST Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs finished hoped tried saw sang went Simple Past –ed for regular verbs
Past Participle –ed for regular verbs 2-6 THE PRINCIPAL PARTS OF A VERB PAST PARTICIPLE Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs finished hoped tried seen sung gone Past Participle –ed for regular verbs perfect tenses & passive
Present Participle –ing for all verbs 2-6 THE PRINCIPAL PARTS OF A VERB PRESENT PARTICIPLE Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs finishing hoping trying seeing singing going Present Participle –ing for all verbs used with progressive tenses
Somebody spent all my money. 2-7 IRREGULAR VERBS: A REFERENCE LIST Somebody spent all my money.
give gave given SIMPLE FORM: SIMPLE PAST: _____ PAST PARTICIPLE: _____ 2-7 Let’s Practice SIMPLE FORM: give gave SIMPLE PAST: _____ given PAST PARTICIPLE: _____
sit sat sat SIMPLE FORM: SIMPLE PAST: ___ PAST PARTICIPLE: ___ 2-7 Let’s Practice SIMPLE FORM: sit SIMPLE PAST: ___ sat PAST PARTICIPLE: ___ sat
think thought thought SIMPLE FORM: SIMPLE PAST: _______ 2-7 Let’s Practice SIMPLE FORM: think thought SIMPLE PAST: _______ thought PAST PARTICIPLE: _______
He ran to work yesterday. He was running when the bus drove by. 2-8 THE SIMPLE PAST AND THE PAST PROGRESSIVE He ran to work yesterday. He was running when the bus drove by.
began and ended at particular 2-8 THE SIMPLE PAST AND THE PAST PROGRESSIVE THE SIMPLE PAST X (a) Edgar ran to work yesterday. (b) Pat drove to work this morning. began and ended at particular time in the past
in progress was/were + -ing 2-8 THE SIMPLE PAST AND THE PAST PROGRESSIVE THE PAST PROGRESSIVE X X (c) Edgar was running when the bus drove by. (d) They were eating when I got home. in progress was/were + -ing
while = during that time 2-8 THE SIMPLE PAST AND THE PAST PROGRESSIVE THE PAST PROGRESSIVE X X (e) When the bus drove by, Edgar was running. (f) The bus drove by while Edgar was running. when = at that time while = during that time
2-9 FORMS OF THE PAST PROGRESSIVE He wasn’t studying.
STATEMENT NEGATIVE I-She-He-It was talking. You-We-They were talking. 2-9 FORMS OF THE PAST PROGRESSIVE STATEMENT I-She-He-It was talking. You-We-They were talking. NEGATIVE I-She-He-It was not talking. wasn’t talking. You-We-They were not talking. weren’t talking.
QUESTION SHORT ANSWER Was I-she-he-it talking? Were you-we-they 2-9 FORMS OF THE PAST PROGRESSIVE QUESTION Was I-she-he-it talking? Were you-we-they talking? SHORT ANSWER Yes, I-she-he-it was. No, I-she-he-it wasn’t. Yes, you-we-they were. No, you-we-they weren’t.
Yesterday, the camels ___________ in the desert. were walking 2-9 Let’s Practice walk Yesterday, the camels ___________ in the desert. were walking
At 8:00, we began to work. work At 8:30, we ____________. were working 2-9 Let’s Practice At 8:00, we began to work. At 8:30, we ____________. work were working
Mac _____________ at Spot. was looking 2-9 Let’s Practice Spot __________ at Mac. Mac _____________ at Spot. was looking look wasn’t looking Mac Spot
Our son called while we were using the computer. 2-10 EXPRESSING PAST TIME: USING TIME CLAUSES Our son called while we were using the computer.
(a) After I exercised, I took a shower. 2-10 EXPRESSING PAST TIME: USING TIME CLAUSES time clause main clause (a) After I exercised, I took a shower. main clause time clause (b) I took a shower after I exercised. (a) time clause main clause
(a) After I exercised, I took a shower. 2-10 EXPRESSING PAST TIME: USING TIME CLAUSES time clause main clause (a) After I exercised, I took a shower. main clause time clause (b) I took a shower after I exercised. (b) main clause time clause
(c) I took a shower after I exercised. 2-10 EXPRESSING PAST TIME: USING TIME CLAUSES (c) I took a shower after I exercised. (d) Before I took a shower, I exercised. after before until as soon as while when subject and verb a time clause + =
(e) I exercised I took a shower. until 2-10 EXPRESSING PAST TIME: USING TIME CLAUSES (e) I exercised I took a shower. until (f) I exercised, I took a shower. As soon as until = to that time and no longer as soon as = immediately after
(g) Mary came home I was studying. while 2-10 EXPRESSING PAST TIME: USING TIME CLAUSES (g) Mary came home I was studying. while (h) When Mary came home, I was studying. main clause + comma + time clause time clause + comma + main clause
(i) When I rang the doorbell, it played music. 2-10 EXPRESSING PAST TIME: USING TIME CLAUSES (i) When I rang the doorbell, it played music. First: I rang the doorbell Then: it played music when allows simple past in both clauses
two actions at the same time past progressive okay in both 2-10 EXPRESSING PAST TIME: USING TIME CLAUSES (j) She was learning to ski while he was playing golf. two actions at the same time past progressive okay in both
While we ___________, our children ____________ school. were working 2-10 Let’s Practice attend work While we ___________, our children ____________ school. were working were attending
Lynn _________ while she __________ a book. fell asleep was reading 2-10 Let’s Practice fall asleep read Lynn _________ while she __________ a book. fell asleep was reading
Then: I put the food away. 2-10 Let’s Practice First: I went shopping. Then: I put the food away. After _____________, ________________. I went shopping I put the food away I put the food away I went shopping ________________ after ______________.
He used to be a baby, but now he is man with a family. 2-11 EXPRESSING PAST HABIT: USED TO He used to be a baby, but now he is man with a family.
(a) I used to swim every afternoon. Now I work in the afternoon. 2-11 EXPRESSING PAST HABIT: USED TO (a) I used to swim every afternoon. Now I work in the afternoon. (b) Fatima used to play piano, but now she plays the violin. (c) Jasmine used to laugh, but she doesn’t anymore. used to past situations no longer exist used to + simple form of a verb
(OR did + subject + use to) 2-11 EXPRESSING PAST HABIT: USED TO (d) Did you used to swim every afternoon? (OR Did you use to swim every afternoon?) did + subject + used to (OR did + subject + use to)
For negative ideas, never is more common. 2-11 EXPRESSING PAST HABIT: USED TO (e) I didn’t used to swim every day, but now I swim every afternoon. (f) Fatima never used to love school, but now she loves it. For negative ideas, never is more common.
2-11 Let’s Practice Correct? The children used to swam in the ocean.
Correct? No The children used to swam in the ocean. 2-11 Let’s Practice Correct? No The children used to swam in the ocean. The children used to swim in the ocean.
2-11 Let’s Practice Correct? Were you used to ask questions in school?
Correct? No Were you used to ask questions in school? 2-11 Let’s Practice Correct? No Were you used to ask questions in school? Did you used to ask questions in school?
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