Marriott Marquis Queen’s Park November 2001 doc.: IEEE 802.15-01/468r0 November 2018 117th Session of meetings of the IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Specialty Networks Opening Report November 11-16, 2018 Marriott Marquis Queen’s Park Bangkok, Thailand Robert F. Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance Robert F. Heile
802.15 Organization Chart November 2018 To add your name 802.15WG Chair Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance 802.15 Vice Chairs Rick Alfvin, Linespeed Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting 802.15 Organization Chart Secretary Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting Assistant Secretary Mike McInnis, Boeing To add your name to the WG/TG/SG/IG reflectors please go to STUDY GROUPS: INTEREST GROUPS IG TeraHertz (THZ) Chair: Thomas Kürner, Technische Universität Braunschweig IG Dependability (of Radio Links) Chair: Ryuji Kohno, IG High Rate Rail Communications Chair: Junhyeong Kim, ETRI IG Vehicular Assistive Technology ChairYeong Min Jang, Kookmin Uni IG 15.4 Guide Chair: TBD STANDING COMMITTEES SC IETF Chair: Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting SC WNG Chair:: Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting SC Maintenance / Rules On Hold: TG4r 15.4 ranging Working Group Technical Editor James Gilb Task Groups TG4md 15.4 Revision Chair: Gary Stuebing, Cisco TG7m Optical Wireless Communications Yeong Min Jang, Kookmin University Chair TG4w 15.4 Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) Chari: Robert, Jörg Friedrich-Alexander-Universität TG10a Routing Mode Addressing (RMA) Chair: Charlie Perkins, Futurwei TG4x Fan Enhancements (FANE) Chair: Matt Gilmore, Itron TG12 Consolidated 15.4 ULI Chair: Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting TG4y Security Next Gen (SECN) Chair: Don Sturek, Itron TG13 Gigbit OWC Chair: Volker Jungnickel Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute TG4z 15.4 Enhanced Impulse Radio (EIR) Chair: Tim Harrington, Pro-ID Robert F. Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
Bangkok Session Objectives November 11-16, 2018 TASK GROUP 4w –LPWA Enhancements to LECIM PHYs Discussing proposals and drafting Updating work activity and time line TASK GROUP 4x –FAN Enhancements to the SUN PHYs Prepare for completion of first Sponsor Ballot TASK GROUP 4y –Security Next Generation (SECN) Discussing proposals TASK GROUP 4z –Enhanced Impulse Radio (EIR) Discussing proposals and coex issues in 6GHz band Robert F. Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
Bangkok Session Objectives November 11-16, 2018 TASK GROUP 15.4md –Revision 4 Comment resolution from 1st Letter Ballot Continue seeking input on corrections, changes, and areas for possible deprecation Task Group 7m Revision 1 OWC Respond to RevCom comments if any Generate/Update Project Timeline TASK GROUP-10a Routing Mode Addressing (RMA) Prepare for completion of primary Sponsor Ballot Update Project Plan/Timeline Robert F. Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
Bangkok Session Objectives November 11-16, 2018 TASK GROUP 12 -15.4 Upper Layer Interface (ULI) continue work on architecture/content Update Project Plan/Timeline TASK GROUP 13 –Multi Gigabit/sec OWC Continue work on ballotable draft Robert F. Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
Bangkok Session Objectives November 11-16, 2018 Dependability (DEP) Interest Group: Discuss Contributions Evaluate if Study Group is warranted Vehicular Assistive Technology (VAT) IG: Discuss opportunities for OWC standards work for V2V and V2B communications THz Interest Group: Review current state of technology Consider making this a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Robert F. Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
Bangkok Session Objectives November 11-16, 2018 IETF Standing Committee IETF103 Review results from Bangkok Hear contributions Next steps NEW PROJECTS STANDING COMMITTEE (WNG) Review/discuss contributions MAINTENANCE STANDING COMMITTEE Review/discuss contributions (if any) RULES STANDING COMMITTEE Review/discuss changes regarding creating a TAG group category in the OM. Robert F. Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
November 2018 Robert F. Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
Upcoming Sessions November 2018 January 13-18, 2019, Hilton St. Louis Missouri at the Ballpark, 802 Wireless Interim Session.* March 10-15, 2019, Hyatt Regency Vancouver and Fairmont Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver, Canada, 802 Plenary Session. May 12-17, 2019, Grand Hyatt Atlanta in Buckhead, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 802 Wireless Interim Session.* July 14-19, 2019, Austria Congress Centre, Vienna, Austria, 802 Plenary Session. September 15-20, 2019, Marriott Hanoi (TBC), 802 Wireless Interim Session.* November 10-15, 2019, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Kona, HI, USA, 802 Plenary Session. Robert F. Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance