Advanced English 6 September 6-7 6.1 The student will use effective oral communication skills in a variety of settings. a) Listen actively and speak using appropriate discussion rules with awareness of verbal and nonverbal cues. b) Participate as a facilitator and a contributor in a group. c) Participate in collaborative discussions with partners building on others’ ideas. i) Demonstrate the ability to collaborate with diverse teams. j) Work respectfully with others and show value for individual contributions. 6.2 The student will create multimodal presentations that effectively communicate ideas. c) Give collaborative and individual formal and informal interactive presentations. 6.5 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of fictional texts, literary nonfiction, and poetry. Identify the elements of narrative structure, including setting, character, plot, conflict, and theme. k) Use reading strategies to monitor comprehension throughout the reading process. 6.7 The student will write in a variety of forms, to include narrative, expository, persuasive, and reflective, with an emphasis on narrative and reflective writing. a) Engage in writing as a recursive process. b) Choose audience and purpose. c) Use a variety of prewriting strategies to generate and organize ideas. d) Organize writing to fit mode or topic. e) Write narratives to include characters, plot, setting, and point of view. f) Establish a central idea, incorporating evidence and maintaining an organized structure. g) Compose a thesis statement for expository and persuasive writing. h) Write multiparagraph compositions with elaboration and unity. i) Use transition words and phrases. j) Select vocabulary and information to enhance the central idea, tone, and voice. k) Expand and embed ideas by using modifiers, standard coordination, and subordination in complete sentences. l) Revise writing for clarity of content including specific vocabulary and information. 6.8 The student will self- and peer-edit writing for capitalization, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, paragraphing, and Standard English. a) Use subject-verb agreement with intervening phrases and clauses. b) Use pronoun-antecedent agreement to include indefinite pronouns. c) Maintain consistent verb tense across paragraphs. d) Eliminate double negatives. e) Use quotation marks with dialogue. f) Choose adverbs to describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. g) Use correct spelling for frequently used words. h) Use subordinating and coordinating conjunctions.
Complete an entrance ticket. Write first week letters. Review and create Class Norms. Introduce the Concept Map. Do Quick Write 1. Log in to Schoology. Take the Writing Pre-Assessment. Choice Time: Interest Inventory The View from Saturday “I am” Journal To Do Today: You need: Your journal, A pencil, Your Chromebook, Your planner, Your purple portfolio, Your name tent from the first day of English put on your desk, and The View from Saturday. You may put your items on the shelves at the front of each group.
What books would you like to read this year? Entrance Ticket When you are finished, put your ticket in the middle of your table and read TVFS chapter 1 or work on your “I am” Journal. What books would you like to read this year? What are your favorite types of books? List some titles and authors that you enjoy. How often do you read? Name
First Week Letter Write a letter to yourself that you will open on the last week of class. You may include information your interests, dislikes, how you are feeling about sixth grade so far, and/or anything else you feel is pertinent. When you are finished, fold your letter and place it in the envelope provided. Put your name on the outside of the envelope, seal the envelope, and give it to Mrs. Fritzinger. Work on your “I am” Journal or read TVFS chapter 1 when finished. Pass out notebook paper and envelopes. Have students write their first week letters and put them in envelopes. When they are finished, they can work on their “I am” journals or read TVFS chapter 1.
What do you expect? Expectations drive our attitudes. Attitudes drive our routines, our moods, our learning, and our impact on others. So… Let’s discuss! Review this slide with the students.
What is expected for normal behavior in this class… Class Norms What is expected for normal behavior in this class… From students? From the teacher? From other stakeholders? Have students answer these questions in groups on whiteboards. Give them about 5-8 minutes. Afterwards, come back together and discuss the norms together using a “Keep/Scratch” format. We will sign the class norms next class.
Label your journal page with: Concept Map What is it? Label your journal page with: The date Quick Write 1 Quick Write I: Write everything you know about… Narratives Poetry Prose Discuss what a concept map is. Point out the one for this unit on the bulletin board. Have the students write everything they know about narratives, poetry, and prose, which is the first part of the concept map. Give the students about 5 minutes to write everything they know about those topics. They can set up their journal page however they want when they organize the information, but they must include the date and the title “Quick Write 1”.
Schoology-Something new! Sign in to your Chromebook with your login: your lunch and password. Go to the Old Donation School homepage. We will change our passwords here. Go to Clever, then to Schoology. Bookmark both Clever and Schoology. We will be taking some risks today and learning something new! Let’s try Schoology for our writing pre-assessment.
WRITING PRE-ASSSESSMENT Data Collection Prior Knowledge Group Accordingly Find Strengths and Weaknesses Make Stronger Writers Discuss the purpose of a writing pre-assessment.
Writing Pre-Assessment Choose ONLY ONE of the following quotations: “Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.” -Og Mandino “If you're not making mistakes, then you're not doing anything. I'm positive that a doer makes mistakes.” -John Wooden Plan and write an essay that explains your ideas as persuasively as possible. Explain if you agree or disagree with the quotation you chose. Support your position with examples taken from your reading, observations, studies, and experiences. Keep in mind that the support you provide—both reasons and examples—will help make your view convincing to your reader. Be sure to include the quotation you chose in your opening paragraph somewhere. There is no limit on essay length, but you only have this class period in which to work. Discuss the writing prompt and show the students how to access the assignment on Schoology.
Submit your writing pre-assessment to Schoology. When you Finish… Submit your writing pre-assessment to Schoology. You have a choice of what to do next: Fill out the Interest Inventory on Schoology. Read and take notes as needed on TVFS Chapter 1-Quiz on MONDAY (A Day) or TUESDAY (B Day). Work on your “I am” Journal.