Suicide Prevention Patient Sink Faucet New Suicide Prevention Patient Sink Faucet Metered Faucet (handles & spout) is encased in a high-impact solid surface material (i.e. Corian type material). Comes in either 4” or 8” spread and fitted to your backsplash or wall. Designed so that nothing can be tied to the fixture thus-eliminating existing hanging points (i.e. handles & spout) Push button valve activation (1 lb.) that can be adjusted to 8-30 seconds. Faucet will pay for itself over time because of reduced water usage. Green Product Solid Surface material is permanent and cannot be removed by the patient. Maintenance or water duration usage can be adjusted easily by technician without removing the fixture from the sink. Esthetically pleasing to any administrator or human rights committee. Norva Plastics, Inc 1-800-826-0758 In VA: (757) 622-9281 Fax: (757) 623-2859 U.S. Patent Pending
New 8 inch Faucet now available! Suicide Prevention Patient Sink Faucet Made of high impact solid surface material. Push button – water saving control valves Difficult to tie anything to fixture (i.e. no hanging points) due to its design Pre-cut slots on each side of push button to allow easy access to “Allen” screw for adjusting water duration or maintenance $$ Water saving fixture will pay for itself in a four years or less. Customized for your existing sinks New 8 inch Faucet now available! No protrusions No space between faucet and backsplash or wall. Norva Plastics, Inc 1-800-826-0758 In VA: (757) 622-9281 Fax: (757) 623-2859 U.S. Patent Pending
Matching pre-assembled Faucets & low-cost Sinks are now available! The new version that is now in production has a more rounded-triangular front which will gives it a more ascetic pleasing look for your patients Matching pre-assembled Faucets & low-cost Sinks are now available! New 4” Version 4 - inch design No protrusions for hanging Several colors and textures are available. Norva Plastics, Inc 1-800-826-0758 In VA: (757) 622-9281 Fax: (757) 623-2859 U.S. Patent Pending