What is New Hampshire doing about Youth and Young Adults Experiencing Homelessness? Erin J. Kelly, MA, LCMHC Child and Family Services Chair of Manchester Continuum of Care Co-Chair of Youth Subcommittee
Slide 2 02 01 02 United States Interagency Council on Homelessness Criteria and Benchmarks Balance of State Youth Subcommittee 03 Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program
Balance of State Youth Subcommittee Created to initiate conversations about youth homelessness in accordance with the Housing and Urban Development Department priorities Merged with the previous Homeless Teen Task Force Mission – Coordinate providers of homeless services for youth, other youth serving professionals, and community members to identify the scope of youth homelessness and to develop a statewide collaborative strategy to prevent and end homelessness amongst youth. 01
Slide 1 Criteria and Benchmarks for Achieving the Goal of Ending Youth Homelessness The community uses coordinated entry processes to effectively link all youth experiencing homelessness to housing and services solutions that are tailored to their needs. The community acts with urgency to swiftly assist youth to move into permanent or non-time-limited housing options with appropriate services and supports. The community has resources, plans, and system capacity in place to continue to prevent and quickly end future experiences of homelessness among youth. The community uses prevention and diversion strategies whenever possible, and otherwise provides immediate access to low-barrier crisis housing to any youth who needs and wants it. The community identifies all unaccompanied youth experiencing homelessness 02
Where is New Hampshire? Benchmark #1 Slide 3 Where is New Hampshire? Benchmark #1 2 questions about homelessness including for the first time in 2017 Number of youth identified by McKinney Vento Homeless Liaisons. YRBS Data for literally homeless youth at one point in the year DOE PIT Serving youth ages 18-24 in their systems of care and collecting data Number of youth served in Street Outreach, Youth Resource Center, Runaway and Homeless Youth, and Transitional Living Programs Adult Services RHY Services Briefing: “Missed Opportunities: Youth Homelessness in America Chapin Hall Youth Count? National best practices on how to collect accurate data about the number of youth experiencing homelessness
Slide 5 Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program Purpose and Summary Build national momentum Evaluate the coordinated community approach Expand capacity Evaluate performance measures Establish a framework for federal program and TA collaboration Program Specific Requirements Identifying a target community area Develop a coordinated community plan Structural Components A statement of need A list of partners A shared vision, list of goals, objectives, and action steps. A list of new projects A governance structure A plan for continuous quality improvement Coordinated Plan Youth Framework Special populations Positive Youth Development Family engagement Immediate access to housing Youth choice Individualized and client- driven supports Social and community engagement Coordinated entry 03
How the ICH Can Help Continue to educate yourselves and others https://www.hudexchange.info/homelessness-assistance/resources-for- homeless-youth/ http://voicesofyouthcount.org/brief/national-estimates-of-youth- homelessness/ https://www.acf.hhs.gov/fysb/programs/runaway-homeless-youth https://www.nn4youth.org/ Participate in movements – youth count, PIT count, youth subcommittee Recommend support of the Reauthorization of the Runaway and Homeless Youth and Trafficking Prevention Act and $165 Million in appropriations for youth homelessness in FY 19. State level financial support for a coordinated system of services
THANK YOU! QUESTIONS? Erin Kelly kellye@cfsnh.org 603 518-4268