CEF eInvoicing Stakeholder Day 2016 Brussels, 1 December Irena Riviere-Osipov, Policy Officer in charge of eInvoicing, UNIT G4 DG GROW
Overview of CEF eInvoicing and policy objectives
From the Directive to present Directive 2014/55/EU on eInvoicing in public procurement calls for: European eInvoicing standard (EN) to be developed and tested by CEN All CAs and CEs in the EU obliged to receive and process electronic invoices compliant with the new standard by latest 27 November 2019 BUT: Minimum of 18 months from the publication of the EN in the Publication Office Possibility to postpone deadline for regional and local authorities for a further 12 months, when a Member State requires Scope Only invoices covered by EU Public Procurement Directives Only invoices submitted to the public sector Covers all public authorities (national, regional, local)
What is going on CEN TC 434 and several WG: Semantic data model, list of syntaxes and other ancillary deliverables: guidelines on transmission guidelines on country extensions syntax bindings Guidelines at transmission level Extension methodology Test methodology and test results Over 600 comments received on the Semantic Data Model in the CEN public inquiry Different positions on the syntaxes issues: from 5 to 1 Call for grants 2016: up to 15 December 2016
eInvoicing: Common Goals towards the Directive 2014/55/EU TC 434 agreement on a limited list of syntaxes: common objective achieved (only two) Semantic model stable Need to keep timing of the Directive
CEF eInvoicing: Objectives for 2017 eInvoicing readiness checker and 2017 State of play report launched (January – February) The road to the European Standard (February onwards) The launch of the eInvoicing Standard (Summer onwards) Make the eInvoicing maturity self- assessment tool & Knowledge Base available (profile pages and country sheets) Raise awareness of eInvoicing Directive and services made available via CEF eInvoicing Help stakeholders prepare Raise awareness of eInvoicing Standard Promote 2017 eInvoicing call for grants Objectives Go-live of the eInvoicing readiness checker by January 2017 Launch of 2017 state of play report process Communication campaign on eInvoicing Directive and CEF services (nationally-focused webinars, social media campaign and direct mailing) Event on the European Standard on eInvoicing Communication campaign on the eInvoicing standard (information sessions) EC activities
Interested to find out more? DG GROW Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs DIGIT Directorate-General for Informatics DG CONNECT Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology CEF-BUILDING-BLOCKS@ec.europa.eu Visit the CEF Digital Single Web Portal https://ec.europa.eu/cefdigital/