What is Persuasive Writing? Introduction to Persuasive Writing 101
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Persuasive Writing First thing you must know: The difference between FACT & OPINION.
OPINION: That is one fine looking blue dog. FACT: That dog is blue. OPINION: That is one fine looking blue dog. Facts can be proven, or backed up with evidence. Opinions…not so much. Such as the cuteness of the blue dog.
Persuasive Writing The very BEST thing about persuasive writing is that you can use YOUR opinions to persuade others to agree with you. In persuasive writing, a writer takes a position FOR or AGAINST an issue and writes to convince the reader to believe or do something.
Which is opinion?? Iguanas are the best animal because scientists have found they can be frozen alive and still survive! Iguanas are the best animal because they look like little dinosaurs!! Iguanas are the best animal because they eat pesky bugs.
How things get done… If you want something to happen, MAKE IT HAPPEN. In the real world, people write persuasive essays to decision makers to lobby for change. In this unit, we’re going to learn how to write an essay that can effectively change someone’s views to agree with you!!
The 5-Step Plan 1. Introduction 2. Supporting Detail 5. Conclusion
Example: The cafeteria should serve healthier food. 1. Intro: The cafeteria should serve healthier food because students will actually eat their food, students can learn with a full stomach, and it will help students to be less overweight. Underline what you think will be the supporting details for the 2 paragraphs.
2. students will actually eat their food 3. students can learn with a full stomach 4. it will help students to be less overweight THEN, for each of these paragraphs you explain these points.
Wrap it up! The conclusion merely restates the main idea of the essay “the cafeteria should serve healthier food” and then lists the supporting details “because students will actually eat their food, students can learn with a full stomach, and it will help students to be less overweight.
Tell your partner! What is persuasion? What types of professions use persuasion? Why do we need to know how to write persuasively?