e-Calls PROSPECT DEVCO Training IT 19/04/2018
Agenda What is e-Calls PROSPECT? Interactions with other systems How to use the application Roles and permissions Types of Calls for Proposals and their timelines Processes Flowchart Documentation & Links
1. What is e-Calls PROSPECT? It is the online system for managing Calls for Proposals (CfP) Its advantages: Decreased workload; Improved quality of day-t-o-day work: no more encoding or archiving of proposals, no more printing or signing of letters, no more postal mails to be sent; Improved data quality; And better service to civil society organisations.
2. Interactions with other IT systems e-Calls CRIS DEC CRIS CTR CRIS PAP ARES DWH PADOR
3. How to use it? From the intranet: How to access it: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/europeaid/prospect/internal/index.htm Browsers to use: Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Chrome Languages: EN, FR (ES & PO for externals)
Admini-strative Agent 3. Roles and permissions Verifying Agent Initiating Agent Chair-person Secretary Admini-strative Agent Voting member View agent Observer Delegation Assessor Internal assessor Role Unit Administrative Agent Operational & Financial Initiating Financial & operational Verifying Financial Secretary Chairperson Voting members Operational Internal assessor View agent N/A Delegation assessor Observer
5. CfP types and their timelines Restricted BY DEFAULT Open IN EXCEPTIONAL CASES = procedure where all applicants may ask to take part but only the applicants who have been shortlisted (on the basis of a concept note in response to a call launched through published guidelines for applicants) are invited to submit a full application = via a prior approval (direct management) or prior authorisation of the European Commission (indirect management with ex-ante controls), calls for proposals may be open, i.e. all applicants are free to submit a full grant application.
5.1 Timeline of a restricted CfP
5.2 Timeline of an Open CfP
6. Process Flowchart (For Restricted Calls) Preparation & Publication Submission CN Evaluation CN Reports & Letters CN Submission FA Evaluation FA Reports & Letters FA Eligibility Reports & Letters EL. Closed Report (Secretary): Prepare Sending for Approval (Chairperson): Approves Call creation (IA): General Info Calls & Lot settings Grid preparation Attach Doc Sending for Approval (VA): Approve or reject Publish (at time indicated) Evaluation Preparation (IA): Persons in charge (Secretary): Assessment (deadline and type of assess.) Setting Grids (for first admin check and CN evaluation ) CN Evaluation Performing First admin check Performing CN Evaluation Report (Secretary): Prepare Sending for Approval (Chairperson): Approves Evaluation Preparation (Secretary): Assessment (deadline and type of assess.) Setting grids (Second admin check and Full Proposal evaluation) FA evaluation Second admin check Full Proposal evaluation Report (Secretary): Prepare Sending for Approval (Chairperson): Approves Evaluation Preparation (Secretary): Assessment (deadline and type of assess.) Setting eligibility grid EL Evaluations Check info in PADOR Grid for EL (in Prospect) Online Submission by orgs Or (Secretary): Encoding on behalf How to modify a published call (derogation, corrigendum or VA approval) Online Submission by orgs Or Encoding on behalf (Secretary) Prepare list of selected applicants (Secretary) Then published in EuropeAid website (once the doc is uploaded in PROSPECT) Letters Prepare Convert Sending for Approval (Chairperson): Approves Letters Prepare Convert Sending for Approval (Chairperson): Approves Letters Prepare Convert Sending for Approval (Chairperson): Approves Submission Ongoing CN Under evaluation CN Submission Ongoing FA Under evaluation FA Under evaluation EL Completed Draft/RfP
7. Documentation Where to find documentation on Calls for Proposals? For Business-related aspects: check Section 6.5. Call for Proposals of the PRAG (Practical Guide to Contracting Procedures applying to all EU external financed from the BUDGET & the EDF): For IT-related instructions: User guides: http://www.cc.cec/wikis/display/crisknowledgebase/User+Manual+e-Calls+PROSPECT E-learnings: http://www.cc.cec/wikis/display/crisknowledgebase/e-Learning+e-Calls+PROSPECT
Thank you! The DEVCO IT Training Team DEVCO.R.4