Beyond the Record : OCLC & the Future of MARC Ted Fons Director WorldCat Global Metadata Network CCS Forum ALA - Chicago July 11, 2009 CDF MARC OCLC MARC OCLC CDF MARC XML DC XML DC-Qualified MODS ONIX Books MARC DC XML OAI-DC XML OAI-PMH XML ONIX Serials MARC XML MODS ONIX Books DC-Qualified
Beyond the Record: OCLC and the Future of MARC The OCLC Context OCLCs Role in RDA Beyond MARC Beyond the Record
The OCLC Context
A membership organization Diverse membership
69,826 libraries in 112 countries 1,355 55, ,639 4,253 1, The OCLC Cooperative 1,080
OCLCs Role with RDA
OCLC & RDA Committee Contribution: ex-officio membership in the ALA Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access MARC Advisory Committee Staff Participation: Joint Steering Committee's two RDA Examples Groups RDA/MARC Working Group Representation on: ALA ALCTS RDA Implementation Task Force Various program sessions
OCLC & RDA OCLC Internal Activities: Discussions with the three U.S. national libraries to plan for the testing/evaluation period (late 2009) Planning for MARC21 format changes to support the testing/evaluation period OCLC Contract Services to staff have been selected to participate in the testing/evaluation period.
Beyond MARC21 With thanks to Jean Godby of OCLC Research
The Crosswalk Web Service at OCLC Enables OCLC to translate from one metadata format to another. A metadata format is a triple that consists of a metadata schema, a structural encoding, and a character encoding. Supported standards are bibliographic, but the software can handle other types of data. Can be called from any product or service that processes metadata. A version with a slightly different interface resides on the OCLC Enterprise Bus.
MARC input 522 $a northwest … northwest … ISO 2709 MARC XML or Convert to input structure <schema name=marc21 namespace=uri:marc:21/> northwest Translate to DC Terms <schema name=DC-Terms namespace=uri:DC-Terms/> northwest Convert to output structure <qualifieddc xmlns;dc/terms > northwest DC Terms output Data flow for a single translation Example: MARC21 to Dublin Core via CDF
In sum… The Crosswalk Web service is engineered for reusability.engineered for reusability It is abstract enough to handle any kind of metadata markup. It keeps a close connection between human- generated translation logic and executable code. It is flexible enough to handle many use cases.
Adoptions The Crosswalk Web Service has been incorporated into: Connexion Client 2.0 ContentDM Ingest Data Load Enhancement eSerials, eSweep NetLibrary Next Generation Cataloging Adoption is being studied for components of: Digital Collection Gateway WorldCat Cataloging Partners NCIP (NISO Circulation Interchange Protocol)NCIP It is being used in research projects: Art and natural history museum metadata (with RLG partners) ISO 8459 bibliographic message exchange (with Janifer Gatenby)
Future priorities 1.Develop a user interface that accepts translation logic and automatically generates Seel scripts. 2.Streamline and enhance some of the Seel language features. 3.Investigate ways to interoperate with the crosswalking software developed at OCLC Leiden. 4.Develop translations for non-bibliographic metadata.
For more information 1. Metadata translation at OCLC, pre-CWS A Survey of Metadata Translation Activity at OCLC 2. CWS documentation The Crosswalk Web Service Users Guide The Seel tutorial: Introduction; Seel in a NutshellIntroductionSeel in a Nutshell Research reports Encoding Application Profiles in a Computational Model of the Crosswalk Toward element-level interoperability in bibliographic metadata A Repository of Metadata Crosswalks Two Paths to Interoperable Metadata
Beyond the Record With thanks to Diane Vizine-Goetz of OCLC Research
WorldCat Identities
FRBR Entity Levels Revisited The movie Original Version Based on a graphic in Tillett, Barbara "AACR2's Strategic Plan and IFLA Work towards an International Cataloguing Code (2002)
OCLC FRBR Work-set Algorithm Provides a FRBR-based view of the data 1.Records clustered into works using author and title fields from bibliographic and authority records 2. Author names and titles normalized to construct a work key 3. All records with the same key are grouped together in a work set or cluster
FRBR Work Set Count Cover Art2,365,961 Summary/Abstract6,278,014 Table of Contents4,714,103 Total works sets12,169,454 Single record sets9,535,415 Multi-record sets2,634, records/work set for multi-record sets
Share data elements across a FRBR Work Set
Work pages beta Provides a rich context from cataloging data
Beyond the Record : OCLC & the Future of MARC Ted Fons Director WorldCat Global Metadata Network CCS Forum ALA - Chicago July 11, 2009 CDF MARC OCLC MARC OCLC CDF MARC XML DC XML DC-Qualified MODS ONIX Books MARC DC XML OAI-DC XML OAI-PMH XML ONIX Serials MARC XML MODS ONIX Books DC-Qualified