CH. 1.1 Describing Matter A Day without Chemistry = (1:55)
I. Describing Matter A. What is Matter? 1. Matter is anything that has ___mass__ and takes up _space__. 2. Examples of Matter = Air, plastic, metal, wood, glass, paper and cloth
II. Properties of Matter A. Matter can have many _different__ properties or _characteristics__ . 1. What properties can Matter have? Hard/soft, rough/smooth, solid/liquid/gas 2. Chemistry is the study of the _properties__ of _matter__ and how _matter__ changes.
Properties of Matter 3. A Substance is a _single_ kind of __matter_ that is _pure_, it always has the same makeup and set of properties. 4. Every form of matter has two kinds of properties 1. physical properties 2. chemical properties
Properties of Matter B. Physical Properties are characteristics of a _pure_ substance that can be _observed_ without _changing_ it into another substance. 1. Examples of Physical Properties are = Texture/color, flexibility, physical state
Properties of Matter C. Chemical Properties are characteristics of a _pure_ substance that describes its ability to _change_ into _different_ substances. 1. Examples of Chemical Properties are = Flammability, Ability to Rust, New Substances
III. Elements A. Empedocles classified Matter into 4 Elements Brain Pop = FIreworks
Elements B. An element is a _pure_ _substance__ that cannot be broken down into any other substance by _chemical_ or _physical_ means. C. Elements are the _simplest_ _substances_.
Elements D. An Atom is the _basic_ particle from which all _elements_ are made. 1. The Atom has a _positively__ charged center or nucleus surrounded by a “cloud” of _negatively_ charged particles. Brain Pop = Atoms How Small is an Atom (5:28)
Atoms E. Atoms have the ability to _combine_ with other atoms. 1. When atoms combine they form a _chemical__ bond, which is a force of attraction between 2 atoms. 2. Atoms combine to form _molecules_. Brain Pop = Chemical Bond
IV. Compounds A. A _compound_ is a pure substance made of 2 or more _elements_ chemically combined in a set ratio. 1. A compound may be represented by a _chemical_ _formula_, which shows the elements in the compound and the _ratio_ of atoms. B. When _elements_ are _chemically_ combined, they form _compounds_ having _properties_ that are _different_ from those of the _uncombined_ elements. Brain Pop = Compounds and Mixtures
V. Mixtures A. A _mixture_ is made of 2 or more _substances_ - elements, compounds or both – that are _together_ in the same place but _NOT_ chemically _combined_.
Mixtures B. Each _substance_ in a mixture _keeps_ it’s individual _properties_. The parts of a _mixture_ are _NOT_ combined in a set ratio.
Mixtures C Heterogeneous Mixture = you can _see_ the different parts. 1. Examples = soil, salad D. Homogenous Mixture = so _evenly_ mixed that you _can’t_ see the different parts. 1. Examples = sugar water, air, brass 2. Solution is an example of a _homogeneous_ mixture. Atoms are Bonding
Vocabulary Matter * Molecule Chemistry * Compound Substance * Chemical formula Physical property * Mixture Chemical property * Solution Element * Heterogeneous mixture Atom * Homogeneous mixture Chemical bond