European Forum for Geostatistics, The Hague Oktober 7, 2009 Michel Grothe, Geonovum Connecting the Netherlands to the European and Global SDI National georegistry and the INSPIRE access point of the Netherlands
Agenda 1.Geonovum short intro 2.NGR movie 3.Positioning the national georegistry 4.Short overview NGR 5.Architecture & standards 6.Final remarks EFGS, 7 October 2009, The Hague Connecting the Netherlands to the European and Global SDI
1. Geonovum in short Mission: to facilitate public sector to effectively and efficiently access and exchange geo-information and maintain the standards necessary to do so. Makes geo-information accessible in the Netherlands and develops and maintains the required geo-standards Acts as facilitator of the Dutch NSDI Mandated by the GI Council and public geo-sector Main tasks: Develop, manage, support and stimulate use of national geo-standards and other NSDI components Netherlands INSPIRE programme bureau National georegistry EFGS, 7 October 2009, The Hague Connecting the Netherlands to the European and Global SDI
2. NGR movie EFGS, 7 October 2009, The Hague Connecting the Netherlands to the European and Global SDI
3. Positioning the national georegistry GIDEON - National SDI Policy SDI approach and Implementations strategy GIDEON Integration of geo into e-services Statutory key geo-registers INSPIRE implementation Supply optimization Chain cooperation Value creation Knowlegde, innovation and education EFGS, 7 October 2009, The Hague Connecting the Netherlands to the European and Global SDI
Making all public sector georegistries and privately owned source data available in digital form free of problems in locating, assessing and exchanging (supported by national georegistry). Optimization of supply EFGS, 7 October 2009, The Hague Connecting the Netherlands to the European and Global SDI
Integration of geo into e-services National georegistry OSB Service Registry E-gov front offices Geographic search and view service for our national e-government portals: Industry service point My personal internet page National service registry of the e-government service bus EFGS, 7 October 2009, The Hague Connecting the Netherlands to the European and Global SDI
INSPIRE implementation National georegistry = INSPIRE access point Or the Netherlands INSPIRE discovery service connected to the EU geoportal EFGS, 7 October 2009, The Hague Connecting the Netherlands to the European and Global SDI
4. Impression NGR Users are professionals (GI and ICT) Simple search EFGS, 7 October 2009, The Hague Connecting the Netherlands to the European and Global SDI
Simple search results EFGS, 7 October 2009, The Hague Connecting the Netherlands to the European and Global SDI
Advanced search EFGS, 7 October 2009, The Hague Connecting the Netherlands to the European and Global SDI
INSPIRE search EFGS, 7 October 2009, The Hague Connecting the Netherlands to the European and Global SDI
INSPIRE search results EFGS, 7 October 2009, The Hague Connecting the Netherlands to the European and Global SDI
Search by organisation EFGS, 7 October 2009, The Hague Connecting the Netherlands to the European and Global SDI
Search results by organisation EFGS, 7 October 2009, The Hague Connecting the Netherlands to the European and Global SDI
Web mapping based on WMS & tile cache base maps EFGS, 7 October 2009, The Hague Connecting the Netherlands to the European and Global SDI
Publish metadata access control EFGS, 7 October 2009, The Hague Connecting the Netherlands to the European and Global SDI
Publish metadata main page EFGS, 7 October 2009, The Hague Connecting the Netherlands to the European and Global SDI
Publish metadata by online editor EFGS, 7 October 2009, The Hague Connecting the Netherlands to the European and Global SDI
Publish metadata by XML upload EFGS, 7 October 2009, The Hague Connecting the Netherlands to the European and Global SDI
Publish metadata by harvesting EFGS, 7 October 2009, The Hague Connecting the Netherlands to the European and Global SDI
Other features Metadata and WMS validators (dutch profiles) Service metadata (getcapabilities) harvesting for WMS and WFS, WCS Monitoring availability of services (WMS, WFS) Search protocols: Opensearch, OGC CSW ISO AP Multilingual interface (Dutch, English, French, German) SOS client support WMS Time client support OGC CSW search API EFGS, 7 October 2009, The Hague Connecting the Netherlands to the European and Global SDI
Services standards (OGC, W3C) WMS NL profile CSW WFS file download ISO (GML) ISO datasets NL profile v1.1 ISO datasets NL profile v1.2 ISO services NL profile v1.1 ISO (XML) CSW ISO AP Architecture and standards EFGS, 7 October 2009, The Hague Connecting the Netherlands to the European and Global SDI
Launched 18 june 2009! 30 organisations involved now! 550 published datasets! 290 datasets accessible as WMS layer! Almost 3500 unique visitors! 65 visitors a day! Visitors came from 64 countries! Support 15 geostandards Have spent about Euro! Gave 30 presentations! … 4. Final remarks, … some statistics EFGS, 7 October 2009, The Hague Connecting the Netherlands to the European and Global SDI
Barchman Wuytierslaan LH Amersfoort Postbus 508, 3800 AM Amersfoort + 31 (0) Thank you for your attention! EFGS, 7 October 2009, The Hague Connecting the Netherlands to the European and Global SDI