Graduate Fellowship Workshop NSF GRFP fellowships provide a $34,000 annual stipend for three years to catalyze professional development and independent research. GRFP proposals are due in late October (varying by discipline), you get one attempt Many other sponsors provide graduate student fellowships, including: NASA Department of Defense National Institute of Health Department of Energy
General Tips for Applicants Start early to allow time for revisions and reviews Read the solicitation carefully to make sure you address all the required topics Use subheadings and bold to help guide reviewers to key information Write to the review criteria: Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts Use plain language to convey ideas clearly and concisely Do not assume that your reviewers are experts in your subfield Contact your reference writers early Choose references who can speak to different qualities Choose one or two backup references, just in case
Tips for Writing the Graduate Research Statement Include a specific section for Intellectual Merit, plus weave it throughout your proposal How will your research advance knowledge in your field? Provide a thorough research plan Demonstrate creativity Discuss potential risks and alternative approaches Provide evidence that you have the skills to be successful Include a section for Broader Impacts How will your research benefit society?
Tips for Writing the Personal Statement Describe what motivates you to pursue a STEM graduate degree Ex: how has a unique personality trait or experience of hardship shaped your motivation? Discuss your growth as a researcher Don’t be shy about sharing your accomplishments Provide evidence of perseverance, leadership and collaboration skills, creativity, initiative, etc. Articulate your long-term career goals Provide evidence of your contributions to society
Tips for Reference Writers Provide details about the applicant that speak to the review criteria (Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts) Discuss what sets the applicant apart from other students What makes her/him exceptional? Provide evidence of the applicant’s potential to succeed in graduate school Emphasize the applicant’s potential as a future STEM research leader
Panelists Civil Engineering: Profs. Chris Higgins, Prof. Tim Strathman Dr. Bridget Ulrich, Juliane Brown, Andrew Koehler Chemistry: Allison Lim and Prof. Alan Sellinger Mechanical: Ava Segal and Jasmin Honegger Geology: Prof. Alexis Sitchler